#30: When Life Becomes So Hard

in GEMS6 months ago

Living in a society like ours,the way life seem to be difficult to survive, people are depressed, frustrated and feel like giving up, some seek for solutions in places we shouldn't, sometimes people do things they shouldn't have done because of the pressure of survival. But only in God sufficiency can be achieved. He is our ultimate want and need provider as well as the one who fulfills our whims.


when we seek God as our sufficiency, which is a simple reminder that he is there to supply our every need in spite of the circumstances or adversities. His love and grace are in limitless and in Him, we shall find all the required contentment.

It should not be a search for recognition from others or a status icon that we should focus on the Lord and his grace. He knows our needs even before we ask Him and He also never fails to meet those needs.

In the holy book, people who put their trust in the Lord as their sufficiency the joy in their hearts and the rest in their souls are restored. Instead of trying to find happiness in the things that are passing away because there is nothing in this world that last forever, men will fail us, system will disappoint us. we long for the love of our Heavenly Father him alone will full our heart and satisfy our soul.

So let us go forward looking not to the things that are seen but to the things which are unseen; let us look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and commit to the sufficiency of God to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. In His presence we shall obtain that which we have been searching for in life which is every blessing and much much more.