Greetings friends, this is my first participation in this community. I am a nature lover, and flowers are my weakness, so I accepted with pleasure the invitation of @naty16 to this initiative, there are many of my favorite flowers because they give life to the spaces with their multicolored shades. In this post, although it was a little difficult to choose, I am going to talk about my 3 favorite flowers: orchids, sunflowers and heliconias.
Las orquídeas son plantas que poseen diversidad en su morfología, son muy llamativas porque tienen muchas formas: grandes, pequeñas y hasta muy diminutas que es increíble, como sus flores se forman como campanas multicolores. Hay diversas tonalidades, unicolor, moteadas, brillantes, combinadas. De verdad es una flor digna de admirar y además son exóticas y atractivas. También llevan con ella un significado especial simboliza la belleza distinguida por la gran diversidad, pueden representar lujuria por su forma tan peculiar, pero lo más importante es que cada flor simboliza aprecio y admiración a quien la recibe. Estas plantas pueden vivir adaptadas a otras vegetaciones sin causar ningún daño. Mi mamá tenía muchas en su jardín, poco a poca las he ido recuperando pero aquí les muestro unas fotos de cuando estaban floreando.
Orchids are plants that have diversity in their morphology; they are very striking because they have many forms: large, small and even very tiny that is amazing, as their flowers are formed as multicolored bells. There are various shades, unicolor, mottled, bright, and combined. It is truly a flower worth admiring and they are also exotic and attractive. They also carry with them a special meaning, they symbolize beauty distinguished by great diversity, they can represent lust because of their peculiar shape, but the most important thing is that each flower symbolizes appreciation and admiration to the one who receives it. These plants can live adapted to other vegetation without causing any harm. My mother had many in her garden, little by little I have been recovering them but here I show you some photos of when they were blooming
Los girasoles son plantas herbáceas que generalmente tienen flores amarillas sus tallos robustos, hispidos y erguidos pueden medir hasta tres metros de alto. En muchas culturas representa la supremacía solar, y posee unas semillas, que además son frutos comestibles de muy buen sabor. Me encanta porque representan fortaleza y paz, tiene la capacidad de buscar la luz solar, para aprovechar de brillar.
Hasta los momentos no he podido cultivarla en casa, pero no pierdo la esperanza de tener muchos girasoles decorando mi jardín, estas son del patio de mi suegra que cuando voy visitarla no pierdo la oportunidad de fotografiarlas.
Sunflowers are herbaceous plants that generally have yellow flowers, their robust, hispid and erect stems can measure up to three meters high. In many cultures it represents solar supremacy, and has seeds, which are also edible fruits of very good taste. I love it because it represents strength and peace; it has the ability to seek the sunlight, to take advantage of shining.
So far I have not been able to grow it at home, but I do not lose hope to have many sunflowers decorating my garden, these are from my mother-in-law's yard and when I visit her I do not miss the opportunity to photograph them.
Las heliconia son plantas tropicales, que tiene diversidad de especies su nombre representa a las musas y diosas de la antigüedad donde se hablaba de la eterna juventud, quizás porque estas flores aun después de cortarlas, duran mucho tiempo con su espléndida belleza. Estas plantas prefieren sombra, aunque algunas pueden soportar pleno sol, pero requirieren de riego. Me encantan porque hay variedad de colores y formas, largas y exóticas, en casa tengo varias especies pero estas tres son las que están florecidas.
The heliconia are tropical plants, which have a diversity of species, its name represents the muses and goddesses of antiquity where they spoke of eternal youth, perhaps because these flowers even after cutting, last long with its splendid beauty. These plants prefer shade, although some can withstand full sun, but require watering. I love them because there is a variety of colors and shapes, long and exotic, at home I have several species but these three are the ones that are in bloom
Las flores nos permiten expresar lo que llevamos dentro, igual que ellas podemos ser hermosas a pesar de ser diferentes entre nosotras, porque cada quien tiene una esencia especial que nos hace únicas como cada flor.
Flowers allow us to express what we carry inside, just like them we can be beautiful despite being different from each other, because each one of us has a special essence that makes us unique as each flower.
Saludos a @razielmorales creadora de esta iniciativa, gracias a @naty16 por invitarme y me encantaría que mis amigas @alblin16 y @dilianny20 se animaran a participar.Block
spanish iniciativa appreciatorvidapersonal natural creativecoin gems flowersGreetings to @razielmorales creator of this initiative, thanks to @naty16 for inviting me and I would love that my friends @alblin16 and @dilianny20 are encouraged to participate.