I read this days ago but barely have time to comment! I can only say wuao! You are all very strong!
I'm curious if as babies you and your brother presented any symptoms to in the future come to diagnose this disease? I have a daughter with food allergy to gluten, cow's milk protein and we still need to introduce other allergens such as egg or peanut to verify, her symptoms are only at the skin level, and now I find this whole topic very interesting.
hello. I was always very healthy, and I didn't have any allergies. I didn't have any symptoms before, but then one day I started vomiting and I was sitting on the toilet day and night…But with colonoscopy they discovered what is wrong with me.But my brother had allergies from birth on…on milk, eggs, every possible fruit, and was also only on skin. So they didn't think this could be something internal. It was already too late then. They didn't think to do a colonoscopy so they couldn't know… The only symptoms were vomiting, sickness in the stomach all the time, diarrhea, and a lot of weight loss…I will only say this, if you have the opportunity to do all the examinations, do it. Oh and almost all the allergies my brother had he outgrow, the only thing what stayed is cat hair. I wish u all the best ❤️ Thanks for stopping by ☺️
Wuaooo how strong that you had to go through all that! Fruit allergy too? Wow! Yes, I'm thinking of taking my daughter to a nutritionist later to repeat the tests, when she was a baby we did several tests but they were not very reliable, in fact, she didn't show any allergy to cow's milk or gluten, she only showed allergies to egg whites and peanuts, that's why we haven't introduced them yet, maybe she doesn't even have allergies to the latter. Good thing your brother outgrew his allergies! At what age did he outgrow them? I hope my daughter outgrows these allergies soon too, she is 14 months old.