Great blog post! I remember the story from your application post where you stated how your life was being affected and you had to stop hive for a long time. Well like I said, I'm glad that you are back and ready to hive on.
And again, your font style which is in italics might be a little disturbing to those who have a little eye defect. Maybe you can change it to a better one or whichever one that suits you. I love your post.You see that today you are sharing little experiences and someday you will share much more and look back to see how much knowledge you have gathered on the crypto space. I advise that you use google to read up the basics of cryptocurrency and how the system works. You could also ask crypto related questions on the smile server. People like @aliento are there to help you.
Thank you! I try my best to be constant and not to get discouraged by the adversities that come my way. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me such good suggestions.
Regarding the font...I have myopia and astigmatism 😅 the truth is that it is a bit annoying to read like that but it looked more like my style. I'll take your recommendation and change it for a simpler one.💜
We're here to help each other and I hope to not stop supporting you when I feel the need to.
I'm so sorry about your sight. I have myopia too and it's really not easy managing it but I believe that we will be fine. The style is good but just for the sake of yourself and others maybe. Thanks for listening to me. Good luck.