Hola hivers, paso por aca contandoles de mi dia de mercado hoy, el super estaba casi vacio, al llegar me causo impacto, ya que en oportunidades anteriores llegaba y adentro del local habian mas de 100 personas, siempre cumpliendo las medidas de bioseguridad y salvaguardando nuestra salud.
Al entrar a este super, en la puerta nos recibe una chica con un spray de alcohol, y un termometro digital, nos miden la temperatura y nos rocian las manos con alcohol y otra chica entrega un par de guantes plasticos transparentes, los cuales sin ellos no puedes ingresar al establecimiento.
Hoy como les dije no habia muchas personas comprando y no entendía el porque hasta que comencé a agarrar los productos que necesitaba y fui viendo los precios. Los cuales son una locura, todo estaba por las nubes de caro.
Cuando yo estaba pequeña y mis hermanitos mi mama acostumbraba a comprarnos un yogurt liquido y de esta misma marca tambien habia uno que era cremoso y traía fruticas picadas, de ese si no vi hoy. El yogurt liquido cuando ella nos lo compraba no costaba mucho dinero, pues para el dia de hoy si con gran asombro vi que costaba aproximadamente 7$, cuando aca el sueldo de un trabajador no llega ni a 3$. Imaginense el asombro que tuve al ver el costo de este yogurt.
Entre parte de mi mercado hoy, agarre zanahoria, papa, calabacin, platano, bananas, cebolla, cebollin, aji, ajo, pimenton, huevos, carne, pollo, salchicha, queso, mantequilla, vinagre, aceite, sal, azucar, casabe, pasta, arroz, leche, y todavia me faltaron algunas cositas, pero hasta alli llego mi presupuesto.
Hello hivers, I stopped by telling you about my market day today, the supermarket was almost empty, when I arrived it caused an impact, since in previous opportunities I arrived and inside the premises there were more than 100 people, always complying with biosecurity measures and safeguarding our health.
Upon entering this supermarket, a girl greets us at the door with an alcohol spray, and a digital thermometer, they measure our temperature and spray our hands with alcohol and another girl hands us a pair of transparent plastic gloves, which without them You cannot enter the establishment.
Today, as I told you, there were not many people buying and I did not understand why until I started to grab the products they need and I was looking at the prices. Which are crazy, everything was through the roof of expensive.
When I was little and my little brothers, my mother used to buy us a liquid yogurt and from this same brand there was also one that was creamy and had chopped fruits, I didn't see that one today. The liquid yogurt when she bought it from us did not cost much money, because for today if with great amazement I saw that it cost approximately $ 7, when here the salary of a worker does not even reach $ 3. Imagine the amazement I had when I saw the cost of this yogurt.
Enter part of my market today, grab carrot, potato, zucchini, banana, bananas, onion, chives, chili, garlic, paprika, eggs, meat, chicken, sausage, cheese, butter, vinegar, oil, salt, sugar, cassava, pasta, rice, milk, and I still lacked some little things, but that is where my budget came.
Thanks to the curators of this beautiful community @trafalgar @appreciator @ rocky1 for the support provided
Todas las fotografías me pertenecen y fueron tomadas con Redmi Note 9s
Texto en Inglés traducido en Google Traductor.
All photographs belong to me and were taken with Redmi Note 9s
Text language English translated in Google Translator.
Gracias mis amores por llegar hasta aqui y leer mi post. Saludos ❤️
Oh my gosh I can't believe the differences in prices of basic things and what people get paid there. I keep hearing stories like that here on Hive and it's just do they expect people to eat? :( I"m glad you were able to get some groceries, at least.
Here stores aren't demanding people wear gloves (except one, that I've seen), but in many of them they won't let the cashiers touch your cloth bags? Which is fine I bag my own things anyway but it IS kinda funny since I wash my cloth bags every time I use them now and the plastic bags in the store have been sitting out in front of hundreds of customers. I appreciate that they don't know that I wash my bags, but corona lives longer on plastic than cloth, too! LOL