[ESP-ENG]- Dia de quirofano - Operating room day

in GEMS3 years ago




Hola mis amores como estan?, Tenia muchisimo tiempo que no pasaba por aca para mostrarles sobre mi dia a dia, pues inicie mi rotacion hospitalaria, y han pasado muchos cambios en mi vida.


El dia de hoy les quiero mostrar un poco sobre un plan quirurgico que tuvimos en el cual tuve la oportunidad de participar directamente en la cirugia.


Actualmente estoy rotando por pediatria, y debo acotar que me esta gustando muchisimo, dia a dia se evidencia que los mas chiquiticos son los seres mas agradecidos que existen en la vida y que ellos no olvidaran ni dañaran con su orgullo el acto que en algun momento tuvimos con ellos.


Les comparto un poco de ese dia tan magico, en el que triunfaba en mi ser la felicidad de poder estar ayudando a cada uno de esos chiquitines que entraron.




Hello my loves, I haven't been here for a long time to show you my day to day life, since I started my hospital rotation, and many changes have happened in my life.


Today I want to show you a little bit about a surgical plan we had in which I had the opportunity to participate directly in the surgery.


I am currently rotating for pediatrics, and I must say that I am enjoying it very much, day by day it is evident that the smallest are the most grateful beings that exist in life and that they will not forget or damage with their pride the act that at some point we had with them.


I share with you a little bit of that magical day, in which the happiness of being able to help each one of those little ones that came in triumphed in my being.




Todas las fotografías me pertenecen y fueron tomadas con Redmi Note 9s
Texto en Inglés traducido en DeepL Traductor.
All photographs belong to me and were taken with Redmi Note 9s
Text language English translated in DeepL Translator.

Gracias mis amores por llegar hasta aqui y leer mi post. Saludos ❤️



Love to see it! I work in the OR as a nurse and absolutely love it. Hope the rest of your pediatrics rotation goes well.