20 years in the making!

in GEMS5 years ago

This is the best thing that's happened this year for sure. Seeing some crazy internet speeds at home has me grinning non-stop. Ya'll must wondering why it's a big deal but to see these speeds at home feels incredible.

I'm sitting at the very spot that started my journey online for the first time at home and two decades later it led to some crazy things including crypto. Without the internet I wouldn't have been earning my money or live a life free of debt and own my time. Internet has given me the freedom I desired in many ways.

Screenshot 2020-06-18 at 4.31.15 PM.png

The area where I live in my city never had good ISP options until now. It's a good, quiet neighbourhood but mobile data is practically non-existent at my home due to the thick walls. So i am heavily dependant on fixed line internet as I have no alternatives.

I went the self-employment route and i'm highly dependant on a fast internet connection. I mean who isn't these days right?

The last 7-10 days have been incredibly frustrating with downtimes, poor internet speeds and my old router being a massive bottleneck but today I have amazing internet and i'm overjoyed to say the least.

Amazon delivered a new high performance router ahead of time and I got the ISP to sort out issues at their end. Turns out my new 100mbps line is apparently working faster than its supposed to.

Screenshot 2020-06-18 at 5.08.00 PM.png

The best part was downloading files off google drive and seeing 300 mbps speeds there.

Screenshot 2020-06-18 at 6.16.17 PM.png

Over the weekend I was half a mind to go balls to wall and get a 1 Gig line installed but I don't really need that much speed yet... I just hope it remains this way and everything else in life also gets better in the remainder of this year.

It took about 20 years only to progress from a 56kbps dial up connection to a 100 mbps line!


Oh I am very happy for you. I often had to deal with my poor internet connection and it is definetely not a sweet spot to be in. Especially if you want to stream.

Technology has indeed advanced so rapidly. Who knows what might be 20 years from now.

Self employment route is not easy so I respect you for that, it demands much more work and commitment than a regular job.

Thanks for sharing!

It's quite a roller coaster ride sometimes on your own but I like the challenges self-employment presents. It's also great when I get to read some interesting comments from very creative individuals such as yourself.

Thank you for stopping by. :)

My pleasure, an interesting post will always get my attention

Oh congrats for a good net speed finally. By the way I completely understand if one is dependent on internet for the living then the speed counts up to be major part.
Keep flourishing.

That's so true what you said!!

Wow! Congrats bro.

Thanks man :D

Wow that's an amazing speed ! Its really helpful when you're content creator. Lots of things to upload

Yeah for sure! :D