Yesterday started out with more rain. We ended up with a 1/4 inch overnight on top of all the snow that is covering the farm. It made everything a sheet of ice. It was mid 30s F while we were out for our soak.
We managed to get everyone and everything packed and on the road before 10am. We headed down through Spokane and south towards Lewiston Idaho.
The Lewiston hill is pretty amazing with the views it gives out over the river valleys. The 195 and 95 merge and drop down off the bluffs above down to the clearwater and the snake rivers.
We chose to go this route so we could stop at a couple of the companies owned by @stryeyz boss. The first was Alpine manufacturing. They used to have an archery line but that sold last year.
It is a pretty killer machine shop with a number of really nice machines. Mills, Lathes, and cnc machines fill the building. They have a couple of Swiss machines that that are precise enough for making watch parts, but they have them making various parts for other industries. We got a nice walk around of the place and the boys ended up a bit bored by the time we were ready to leave, they are young and the attention span can be rather short at times.
Next stop was at American Turbine that makes turbines for jet boats. They are right on the river where the boats are rather famous, the Snake, Clearwater, and Columbia rivers are well known for the jet boats. The turbines are super slick and with a 400hp motor pushing one they can put out 4000 gallons a minute of water. There are fireboats that use them for their water cannons. There are even yachts that use them as bow thrusters.
After leaving the Lewiston/Clarkston area we continued south towards Boise.
We were to the southwest of McCall Idaho when the sunset blew up dramatically. It got rather dark oranges and pinks as the sun set. It was quite amazing looking.
It wouldn't be a Fleming trip without the boys getting carsick numerous times. They have an intense need to be doing something other than watching the scenery and that inevitably leads to nausea and generally booting. Luckily the last part of the drive was on the I84 and was smooth so they got a chance to eat before we hit the hotel where they both dove at their laptops.
@stryeyz had been trying to get a mitten pattern to work to whole drive and finally was able to get it going once we were settled.
We had the entire pool and hotub to ourselves and it was nice to soak after the long drive.
Today we are going to go to the Boise aquarium, the used books store right next door, I want to hit a music shop for a couple of mandolin books, then this afternoon we will rest up for the Tool concert tonight at the Idaho Center. We will be in the pool a bunch more as the boys are slowly learning to swim each time we stay at a hotel.

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Nice pictures! In Lewiston, I believe it's at the intersection of 2 streams, is the lowest elevation in all of Idaho.
Later this year I actually have a plan to climb Borah Peak with my brother, which is the highest point!
The only thing I don't like about Lewiston is that due to the fact it is basically a hole in the ground, the smell from the paper mill there is very prominent at all times. Smells like cabbage in my opinion haha!
I took this picture of the Lewiston hills a few years back during August. This is my favorite picture I have from the area.
Thanks for sharing, brought back some memories of one of my favorite scenic states!
It's a nifty area for sure. The bowl that it sits in is a bit weird as it traps so much, there is so little wind down there compared to up on top in Pullman. Bora would be a fun one to climb for sure. We have been up some of the peaks in NE WA, some right on the border with ID like Gypsy, Abercrombie, and Salmo. There are some killer peaks down in the central part of Idaho!
I used to get carsick when I was a child. It's no fun. I guess you didn't go far enough south to escape the snow, or did you? I don't remember every being in Boise, unless my family was there once when I was very young. Hope you have a great time.
Interestingly pigs can't get motion sickness due to the amount of the DAO in their bodies. They naturally produce large amounts and likely my boys both are deficient. Both @stryeyz and I supplement so we don't notice it, but even as a kid I rarely got carsick.
I was through Boise a few times as a kid and the place was MASSIVELY smaller. It has expanded so much in the last 20-30 years it is pretty much one big metroplex.