Hello, Hello, HIVE friends, I've been away from you for a few days, I've had a lot of work. Today I'm here to participate in the initiative created by my friend @annafenix: 3 THINGS THAT I AM DREADFUL TO DO AT CHRISTMAS, it has been some time since @annafenix invited me, but I did not want to miss the opportunity to share with you topics related to Christmas but first I would like to invite @josdez, @petroconti and @bothanikha, from what I read in one of their publications, I could tell that they like Christmas. I love Christmas, it's beautiful to see the change that people experience, it's something magical that makes them project the beauty of each one. When November approaches I get very anxious, because I already want to be in Christmas mode.
Adornar mi casa
I decorate my house
First of all I assemble the tree, I enjoy placing each one of the ornaments and lights, then I place the nativity, nothing too elaborate, I place the images under the tree or on a table and with lots of lights, I hang Christmas stuffed animals on the lamps, I cover the chairs, I try to place an ornament in every corner of the house.
Hacer Hallacas
Making Hallacas.
As you know I am from Venezuela and in my case to make hallacas I start to buy the ingredients since September approximately, because if I leave all that expense for December, maybe the numbers do not give me and I run out of hallacas, a situation that I avoid that happens.I have been making hallacas for a few years, I usually make them on the 23rd, but this year I want to make them a little earlier.
Reunirme con familiares y amigos
Getting together with family and friends.
Although I am always in contact with family and friends, at Christmas we set a date to share a meal and in some cases we exchange gifts. In times when the economic situation is not very abundant, we exchange chocolates or a dessert.
Las fotografías que no tienen fuente son de mi albún personal, algunas fueron editadas con una app llamada pic pluss
The pictures without source are from my personal album, some of them were edited with an app called pic pluss
El separador de texto fue tomado de la siguiente web.
he text separator was taken from the following website.