
We can look at several photographs of one landmark, each taken from a different perspective, or just look at one. If we look at just one landmark photo from one perspective, we would have very limited knowledge of how the landmark scene actually appears. Seeing more photos increases our perspective.
We could go deeper; say we’ve looked at twenty photos taken as the photographer moved around the landmark... would that cover every single potential perspective of it? How about if we double the number of shots going around the landmark so we’ll have forty snaps; would that then give us the total perspective of it? The answer is no.
There’s an easier way to look at all of this however.
Seeing all the perspective views of the landmark in photographs would require lots of photographs, taken from every angle from every direction, but finding perspective doesn’t have to be tedious. We’d get all the perspective necessary to appreciate the landmark without requiring all the possible views.

Perspective doesn’t only include pictures for us to view; it also includes our store of knowledge, our concepts and our character. It includes our moral beliefs, our understanding of what is right and what is wrong, and our devotion to finding the truth, rather than accepting someone else’s explanation because it’s convenient.

Convenience comes in assorted colors and flavors, like “just going along” or “he knows more about it than me.” Of course, something like this has a name too… “that’s a cop-out.” Having cop-outs ready when needed is required these days, especially on social media. It’s likely that many active social media users adopt someone else’s perception in order to “fit in.”
We do it in real life too; if there’s a group we like, we do our best to show them we agree with them on everything. It doesn’t matter whether we actually do or not; in time we will, through conditioning. Their perceptions of just about anything become our perceptions, and then we award them “mentor” status, and, in some cases, we might start a cult, we’re so “tuned in.”
How do you perceive things you really know nothing about? Would you accept someone else’s personal perceptions?
It’s likely that most of us would, if we feel pressured to decide and we know the perspective of the group already. Since we want to be in the group, we accept their perspectives, even ones we don’t know about, that’ll likely surprise us down the road. It’s inevitable.
Increasingly less people think for themselves these days, and many seem to go along and can’t answer why. They don’t know. They don’t have time to relax and consider. Things change so fast, no one can keep up. So, like a trusty machine, we absorb what’s sent down the assembly line, and do with it what we’ve been trained to do. Obey.
Formulated perceptions might reveal more. We might even learn something new and valuable about something we previously didn’t know.
Perceptions © free-reign 2020
Thanks for reading!

Sources for images used in this post:
(Public Domain photos are from Wikimedia Commons)
Edipresse Tower: Thomas Guignard from Lausanne, Switzerland / CC BY-SA
Sydney Opera House: Marcello Gamez / CC BY-SA

We really have lost a lot of our ability to think for ourselves. Probably lots of reasons for it, but I think a lot of what you suggest revolves around groupthink. More than ever, these days, we're either in or we're out, and it's us vs them, and instead of looking to build bridges, we're looking for reasons.
Yep, I'm a firm believer that social media tends to bring out the worst in way too many people. Lots of "mobs" on twitter, which is the only social media I use. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on this!
Hi @free-reign I agree with all of your points in this post. You put it nicely in words. Thank you for sharing it with us here. Good day ahead to you 😃
Thank you @cryptokannon, and I'm glad that you enjoyed reading my post. I wish you a great day as well!