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RE: What happened while I was away

in GEMS3 years ago

I know it's a hard journey of healing. Unfortunately I've been there too and I know how it feels because I'm also a pretty sensitive person but in the end it's just a matter of time until everything will be alright.

As for the art, I'm sure it's still there. Sometimes this moments of heartbreaking do affect people on more plans and it's very important that the art is still there. Maybe it's just something that will make you take everything to the next level. Can't wait to find out!


I had moments when I didn't feel like doing anything and moments when a burst of creativity came in difficult times. Life is a journey and I am embracing these emotionally blurry times. Something good will come out of it for sure. I am working on not putting pressure on myself for figuring it out fast. Because these things can't be rushed.