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RE: Commitment and accountability

in GEMS4 years ago

Yeah I saw that...Interesting to note the fairly low numbers that have been winning it though, not so much the comment count, more the character count...Shows that not very much depth is going into the comments I guess. Still it's always good to see someone else have a go right?


It's cool that @tripode won it. She's really come out of nowhere and it's pretty refreshing to see. Two weeks ago I told her she kicked my ass and she didn't know what to say. Last week she allowed as to how she kicked my ass. That's some growth right there :)

Yes, I saw her comments from last week.

You can't imagine the laughter i get every time you write ¨kick my ass¨, and you would too if you hear me saying it... imagine 5-year-old girl talking, exactly the same.

And by the way, i think i'm going to kick both of your asses again this weekend, so get ready and make some ice. 😂 @bigtom13 @galenkp