I really like what you say about your own posts now attracting real comments from people you have previously engaged with. That's exactly why it's important to engage with others, on their posts, rather than wait for them to simply come to yours...Mostly they won't do so.
It's not good enough to have an engaging title and interesting thumbnail picture when posting...The content needs to be good also, but even that isn't enough sometimes. Those things won't necessarily attract comments. However if you're outbound-commenting, which you are, you'll find that people will follow you back to your posts have a read and throw an up-vote and possibly a comment. Over time they will begin to feel more beholden to you, because of your consistent commenting on their posts, and you all of a sudden the relationship will start to take off.
It's a simple process really.
I'm pleased to hear that the #weekend-engagement topic is working for you, helping you meet new people and that you're starting to see some payback. That's what I started it in the first place.
I appreciate your comment here, all the best for the rest of the week.