It really is a thing of beauty you know. Glorious in design and movement.
Although...I should probably confess that quite probably a rabid spider monkey on crack might have a slight edge on me...Still, it's a pretty beautiful thing to behold.
Anime steampunk playlist. Sounds fascinating. What's on there?
Only 8 tracks atm. Two are intro and outtro that I would want to use if this roleplay was an anime, three songs that are character theme songs and three that seem like they would fit types of moments or otherwise make me think they would fit into if-this-roleplay-was-an-anime.
I'll probably add more if I get asked to draw more characters and/or feel particularly inspired by something that's in the collection.
Other people doing projects have mood boards, I have sound boards x_x
Mood board, sound board, the main thing is you don't get bored. (I know, dumb dad joke.)
I usually don't have time to be bored XD
the times I am bored I usually find something to do which generally involves running a lot of thoughts and simultations usually simultaneously, people watching and/or intently staring at the environment nutting out lighting and textures x_x
Glad you're keeping the dad joke muscles toned, you'll need them for when the niece and nephew are bigger and can laugh at them (when they're little and everything is funny) and groan at them when they're older ;D
Who doesn't love some simultaneous simulations! Lol.