Excellent work and if you want some help learning how to operate your account just let me know.
I just actually started a brand new account and I am working on growing. Once upon a time I was a brand new account and starting several brand new accounts is pretty crazy but it is also pretty awesome.
Thank you very much for your content and I hope you have an amazing day.
You tell me what to do
Here is a link to my discord room I'm about ready to go to bed.
However I'll be around tomorrow.
And you need to go to hive.vote and sign in and I can help you with all the settings and enabling Auto rewards as well as curation trail and fan base.
Then you vote all the time even when you sleep. You maximize the most out of your voting power and never waste it so you get maximum curation rewards.
Autoclaim rewards just means that you continually claim the words and it continually builds your staked Hive power as you get paid out again increasing the amount of rewards you have for your vote and how much you get back.
Thank you very much and let's get you going really good!