When you report recycled posts, can you please report the earliest ones as the ones reported not the other way around.
Giving link to the earliest as the one reported. And the latest post in supporting link.
Logically, for sourcing something from the past the more recent post needs to be reported not the oldest one :-)
Also, please report these posts in the correct category which is spam (spam-recycled post) not copypasta.
Hello, thank you for the report.
When you report recycled posts, can you please report the earliest ones as the ones reported not the other way around.
Giving link to the earliest as the one reported. And the latest post in supporting link.
Logically, for sourcing something from the past the more recent post needs to be reported not the oldest one :-)
Also, please report these posts in the correct category which is spam (spam-recycled post) not copypasta.