Celebrating my sister's birthday - Preparing the surprise // Celebrando el Cumpleaños de mí hermana – Preparando la sorpresa

in GEMS4 years ago

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Hola a todos como pueden ver por el título del post, es el cumpleaños de mi hermana y quise celebrárselo con un detalle, el cual aunque no era el más espectacular de todos era algo hecho a mano por mí y me hacía mucha ilusión poder hacerlo. El cual era una torta, pero luego pensé “a ella le encanta el chocolate, mejor le hago una bandeja de Brownie decorada” y fue lo que hice.

Hello everyone, as you can see from the title of the post, it is my sister's birthday and I wanted to celebrate it with a detail, which although it was not the most spectacular of all, it was something handmade by me and I was very excited to be able to do it. Which was a cake, but then I thought "she loves chocolate, I'd better make her a decorated brownie tray" and that's what I did.


Como todo esto fue de último minuto, desde el medio día me dispuse a que le pondría encima y como poder hacerlo. Busque por internet imágenes de dibujos de gatos (ya que le encantan) para ponerlos encima de brownie y conseguí 2 que eran perfectos, uno se parecía a la gata que tenemos en la casa (Lola) y la otra eran dos gatos celebrando. Los imprimí en cartulina de hilo junto con un letrerito de “Feliz Cumpleaños” y los recorté, para que fueran más vistosos en la parte de atrás les pegue un palillo de madera para que estuvieran parados sobre el brownie.

As all this was last minute, from noon I decided what I would put on him and how to do it. I searched the internet for pictures of cat drawings (since she loves them) to put on top of brownie and I got 2 that were perfect, one looked like the cat we have at home (Lola) and the other was two cats celebrating. I printed them on string cardboard along with a "Happy Birthday" sign and cut them out, to make them more attractive on the back I glued a wooden toothpick to them so that they would stand on the brownie.





Además para colocarle de una forma más bonita el 28 (la edad que cumple), imprimí un “28” de tamaño mediano y en negrilla para poder hacer algo que explicare más adelante.

Also to place the 28 in a more beautiful way (the age that it turns), I printed a "28" of medium size and in bold to be able to do something that I will explain later.

Rápidamente me dispuse a hacer el brownie, ya que lleva algo de tiempo al momento de desmoldarlo y ella llegaba un poco después de las 4 ya que su novio (el cuñado) la traería del trabajo. Afortunadamente antes de que llegaran ya había guardado el brownie y acababa de termina de medio triturar la azúcar (ya verán para que la use).

I quickly got ready to make the brownie, since it takes some time to unmold it and she would arrive a little after 4 since her boyfriend (brother-in-law) would bring her from work. Fortunately, before they arrived, she had already put the brownie away and had just finished half-mashing the sugar (you'll see what she can use it for).





Al momento de llegar resulta ser que el cuñado le regalo un arreglo con dulces y globos, el cual estaba muy bonito y era de su color favorito, el morado.

Upon arrival it turns out that the brother-in-law gave him an arrangement with sweets and balloons, which was very beautiful and was his favorite color, purple.


Bueno aunque se fue la luz como a las 7 p.m. de hoy lo cual no fue un obstáculo para poder celebrar su cumpleaños, al momento de inicia mi mama a preparar la cena de cumpleaños a mi hermana, me dispuse a armar y a ver como colocar las cosas encima del brownie. Comencé colocando el 28 encima para cuadrarlo bien y luego con la ayuda de un tamizador, espolvoree la azúcar que antes había triturado antes y al momento de retirar el 28 de papel quedo el hueco con su silueta y quedo bastante bonito. Además lo pase a un plato decorado que habíamos rescatado de una torta que habíamos comprado hace ya tiempo.

Well even though the power went out around 7 p.m. Today, which was not an obstacle to being able to celebrate her birthday, at the moment my mother began to prepare my sister's birthday dinner, I started to assemble and see how to place things on top of the brownie. I started by placing the 28 on top to square it well and then with the help of a sieve, sprinkle the sugar that I had previously crushed before and when I removed the 28 from the paper, the hole was left with its silhouette and it was quite beautiful. I also passed it to a decorated plate that we had rescued from a cake that we had bought a long time ago.






Luego coloque el “Feliz Cumpleaños” y los gatos sobre el brownie de tal forma de que se viera bien y que no se aglomeraran entre ellas. Como mi mama ya iba a emplatar la comida y le íbamos a cantar cumpleaños luego de cenar, me dispuse a desarmarle para poder esconderlo.

Then place the "Happy Birthday" and the cats on top of the brownie so it looks nice and doesn't crowd each other. As my mother was already going to plate the food and we were going to sing her birthday after dinner, I started to disarm him so I could hide him.


Cenamos tranquilamente un pollo frito (el regalo de cumpleaños de mi papá), el cual le encanta (a mí también XD), junto con una ensalada de papa, zanahoria y pasta corta; y una arepa. Al momento de pararnos de terminar de comer, de di una señal a mi cuñado para que la distrajera para tener tiempo de poder armarle la torta junto con su respectiva vela.

We quietly dined on a fried chicken (my dad's birthday present), which he loves (me too XD), along with a potato, carrot and short pasta salad; and an arepa. When we stopped to finish eating, I gave a signal to my brother-in-law to distract her to have time to be able to assemble the cake together with its respective candle.





Luego de armarlo todo, la llame y la recibimos mis padres y yo con la sorpresa del brownie en la mesa, aunque como todos los años ya sabía que le haríamos una torta, pero se asombró por cómo estaba decorada y se emocionó al verla. Le cantamos cumpleaños y al finalizar nos tomamos fotos con ella, la torta y el regalo del cuñado.

After putting everything together, I called her and my parents and I received her with the surprise of the brownie on the table, although like every year she already knew that we would make her a cake, but she was amazed at how it was decorated and was excited to see it. We sing her birthday and at the end we take pictures of her with her, the cake and the gift from her brother-in-law.



Al momento de repartir tenemos la tradición de que el cumpleañero reparte (a excepción de mi papa ya que no le gusta), y como broma mi hermana puso en cada plato unas virutas del brownie y dijo “esa es su ración y el resto es para mí”, bromeamos con eso un rato y luego lo repartió (de verdad esta vez).

At the time of distributing we have the tradition that the birthday boy distributes (except for my father since he does not like it), and as a joke my sister put some brownie shavings on each plate and said "that's your portion and the rest is for me, ”we joked about it for a bit and then he handed it out (for real this time).

Al final me felicito por como lo hice que le encanto como quedo y que debería de promocionar los brownie de esa forma, pero lo que más me gusto fue que le encanto, ya que quería darle la sorpresa como muestra de agradecimiento por todo lo que ha hecho por la familia y aunque no podía hacerlo de forma monetaria, quise y podía hacerlo de esta forma.

In the end I congratulate myself on how I did it, that he loved how I look and that he should promote the brownies that way, but what I liked the most was that he loved it, since I wanted to surprise him as a token of appreciation for everything he has done. made by the family and although I could not do it in a monetary way, I wanted to and could do it this way.



Happy birthday to your sister, we wish you many more years to celebrate with good health

Hive Celebrates With You on Your Sister's Birthday. You can join our curation trail here to celebrate with other hivans on their birthday. To know more please check our Introduction post.Your post have been curated by @jizzyjoe, as

thanks for the support, i appreciate it

You are most welcome

Hello! This is jizzyjoe and I've chosen this post for %100 curation in Hive Cross Culture/Birthday curation project.
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• And this post would be featured in our next weekly digest article.

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thanks for the support, i appreciate it