Consistency Is The Key To Success. The Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 were quite interesting, I will recommend you read through them before reading through this article for today, by clicking here for Part 1, here for Part 2 and here for Part 3. In the previous article(Part 3), I further explained, why the importance of consistency is key to our success. I gave two more good importance which were, Overcoming Challenges and Passion.Hello guys, your favorite girl @gifxlove is back again with the Part 4 of this interesting series,
In this article, I will be sharing with you guys, the cause of lack of consistency.

Lack Of Consistency
Consistency is not so easy, because if it was so easy, we all would have been practicing consistency in our various fields and be successful. But that's not the case, and that's because to be consistent is quite difficult and requires lots of efforts. The major question a lot of people do ask is, why do I lack the consistency? Because it is crystal clear that if we are consistent, we would achieve our goal. For instance, someone who wants to lose weight and have a nice toned body, would not be able to be consistent with his/her exercise routines. But why? When we all know that, if you are consistent, you will have your desired toned and shredded body.
It is quite simple, we are more focused on results/outcome and not on the process. We think of the outcome of our efforts, without thinking of the process. Let's go back to the example of losing weight. The first two to three weeks, the person will be in high spirit and doing all his/her exercise routines. But when it gets to the fifth to sixth week, the level of consistency drops. The reason for the drop in consistency, is that, the person was expecting a toned body already and not seeing the toned and shredded body is discouraging and cause the drop in consistency. The individual only focused on the result/outcome solely and not the process of losing weight. Because the process of losing weight takes quite a long time and great effort and is not a magic trick, except you want to do surgical operations to fasten it.

A lot of us, lose our focus of the end goal because we are not seeing the immediate effect of our consistency and that will cause the lack of consistency, which will not make us able to achieve our goals. To achieve anything in life, you need to be consistent and it will take quite some time before you will start seeing any positive result of your consistency. The celebrities we see on televisions or phones, are people who have been consistent and dedicated to their craft. Rihanna and Beyonce, started singing from a very young age and they were consistent with it, and after years, they were discovered. Messi and Ronaldo, have been consistently training from kids and after years of consistency, dedication and patience, they are known around the globe. The list goes on and on, you see them smiling and happy on our television and phones, but we don't want to think of the consistency and efforts they put in to get to where they are today. If you want to be successful in your chosen field you have to be patient, dedicated and consistent in your craft and it will be only a matter of time, you will also be known and be very successful in your chosen field. According to Anthony Robbins
It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently. Source

Cristiano work so hard to have this day that he can have everything he wants. All of his success is becoming from his hard working, training and performing. He helped the poor and transfer his blood the the hospital. He is an amazing person. I don’t know why people can hate him in any reason. I just think he deserves better.
Smiles, who hates him? Messi fans? They know he is good, but they don't want to him the pleasure. Same as Ronaldo fans, they know Messi is good, but they still don't like him. Or is there a different hate you are talking of?
I can't agree more with you. If you are very talented but not consistent, it will be very difficult to be successful.
Exactly, that's why we sometimes see people with amazing potentials, end up been average. Thanks for your lovely comment @positivesteem
This is one of the reasons why I like to take large or tough tasks and break them down into smaller units or time periods. This way I can take breaks to reharge as well as give myself what I call "little victories" to spur me on and acheive a sense of accomplishment.