The ship of the rebellion has just arrived at the planet, with its invisible system it was not detected by any radar, the mission seems to be going well, the idea is to place a series of micro atomic bombs with the capacity to destroy half of that world. And with them to annihilate Fonne, which would give a partial victory to the rebels in the galaxy.
Fonne monitors and finds unusual activity among his closest associates.
- Checking files and cameras, zooming in, scanning faces.
- Searching for data on inhabitants
- Revisat and profile of incognito subject.
Apparently Fonne is suspecting that one of his personal service subjects is not even on the planet's data. Although it is normal that this type of thing happens since the planet has autonomous capacity to make changes but not far from the own reality, in addition where the Fonne is has maximum encrypted security nor the most experienced hacker and less an inhabitant of the original planet has capacity to know that a world exists.
- I have the feeling that Sophia has told Yen about the existence of the planet, but it is impossible that Yen can arrive in time.
- Sir, excuse me, but we have some information to present.
- I told them not to bother me
- Sir in sector 7 we found a computer that worked in the packaging factory, it has a recorded conversation with Yen.
- Play the audio immediately.
The audio shows Fonne how Yen has gained a considerable advantage in the war, but it's not enough to disrupt Yen nor does it say where he is.
- That computer was manufactured and programmed by my ex-wife, so I immediately eliminated that technological junk.
- Understood, sir.
- First I passed all the data from artificial intelligence to analyze it in more detail
The soldiers are in several places on the planet, with their invisible system, except for the chosen soldier who has already penetrated the facilities where Yen's clone lives. The problem is that Fonne is following him to verify all the activity.
However, just as he was analyzing a hacker entered the enemy base system and placed a series of repeated videos to throw Fonne off the scent. A briefcase was placed in Fonne's clone's room.
The mission is completed, the soldiers leave the planet. The briefcase has an approach sensor that will only be activated by the presence of the Fonne Clone.
- Sir the mission has been completed, we are back. In the afternoon the Clone de Fonne will be in his room detonating the bomb.
- Perfect, congratulations to the team will be awarded upon arrival.
Fonne keeps checking the activity and realizes that the incognito character who was not in the data is not there. He is uninterested in checking further and continues with the recording of the computer that was captured to see if he can find clues to Yen's whereabouts.
A hard blow is about to put Fonne at a disadvantage in the war, but many things have to happen before this war that will end with the world and galactic domination of a company that has everyone subdued with food.
To be continued.....