Hello my name is A boy.

in GEMS4 years ago

I live on the island.I am six years old.Sometime ago,my poor parents handed me over to a rich family living in the city.This family found it difficult to pronounce my name so they started calling me 'A Boy' and it stuck.


Today like everyday,l got up at five o' clock in the morning.l fetched water from a nearby well.It was very difficult to balance the heavy 12litre gallon on my head,but l made it-otherwise,l would have been beaten badly.

Then, l prepared breakfast and served it to the family.I was a little late in serving breakfast so my master beat me with a leather belt.

Afterward,l.walked the family's five year old son to school.Next,l helped prepare and serve the family's lunch.

Between mealtimes,l had to buy food in the market,run errands,tend the charcoal fire,sweep the yard,wash clothes and dishes,and clean the kitchen.

Ehen...I also washed my lady's feet.Today,she was upset about something,and she slapped me in anger.I hope that tomorrow she feels better.

I was given leftovers to eat-at least they were better than the cornmeal l ate yesterday.Today was 'Christmas' for me;the dog rejected the leftovers,so l had it all to my self.

My clothes are ragged,and l have no shoes.My owners have never allowed me to bathe in the water l bring to the family.

Last night l slept outside:sometimes they let me sleep inside on the floor.

Too bad l couldn't write this myself.I am not allowed to go to school.

Have a nice day!

                                                  A Boy