[SPA | ENG] INICIATIVE: This is how my 2021 is going

in GEMS3 years ago

¡Saludos a todos! 😍

Esta vez me he unido a esta iniciativa que ya he visto por ahi 😎 , creada por @lililuki y que me ha invitado mi amigo @josebenavente. Confieso, sinceramente, que no me llamò la atenciòn desde el inicio, porque pensè: "otro post sobre pandemia", pero despuès de leer entendì què no es sobre pandemia sino lo que hicimos con este año despuès de la pandemia. Ese punto es la diferencia, y acà estoy. ❤️

Sin mas preámbulo Asì va mi 2021

Greetings to all! 😍

I hope everyone is doing well, lately I've read some great posts and I don't have enough time to read them all. I love discovering good content here on #Hive, especially those that make me leave a comment at the end.

This time I've joined this initiative that I've already seen around 😎 , created by @lililuki and invited by my friend @josebenavente. I confess, honestly, that it didn't catch my attention from the beginning, because I thought: "another post about pandemic", but after reading I understood that it's not about pandemic but what we did with this year after the pandemic. That point is the difference, and here I am. ❤️

Without further ado This is how my 2021 is going

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  1. ¿Qué evento o suceso imprevisto te ha sucedido en el transcurso de este 2021?

Este año ha traido muchìsimos cambios, sobretodo de adaptaciòn para afrontar lo que nos dejò ese primer año de pandemia, que si bien no se terminò, si que costò adaptarse. Personalmente, aun no me adapto. Creo que acostumbrarse es lo que hace que esto se extienda.

No me han ocurrido muchas cosas en lo que va de año, pero empecè a trabajar por internet, desde casa y a comunicarme con amigos que tenìa muchìsimo tiempo sin ver, ahora los veo màs seguido. Hace poco viajè una semana a otra ciudad y ya tenìa tiempo queriendo hacerlo. Tambièn me vacunè contra el covid y no tuve complicaciòn, lo cual agradezco muchìsimo.

En el tema màs triste, los imprevistos fueron las pèrdidas de varios familiares, han sido meses difìciles, pero poco a poco todo mejorarà.

1. What unforeseen event or occurrence has happened to you in the course of this 2021? This year has brought a lot of changes, especially in terms of adaptation to face what the first year of the pandemic left us, which although it is not over, it was hard to adapt. Personally, I still have not adapted. I think that getting used to it is what makes this spread.

Not much has happened to me so far this year, but I started to work online, from home and to communicate with friends that I haven't seen for a long time, now I see them more often. I recently traveled to another city for a week and I had been wanting to do it for a long time. I also got vaccinated against covid and had no complications, for which I am very grateful.

On the saddest subject, the unforeseen events were the loss of several relatives, it has been difficult months, but little by little everything will get better.

2.¿Qué cosas o conocimiento ha adquirido en el transcurso de este año 2021?

Este año ingresè a Hive y con ello aprendì sobre las criptomonedas, sin duda todo un mundo desconocido para mi, y aunque he leìdo muchìsimo sobre ellas, apenas sè una pequeña parte de ellas, pero con ganas de seguir aprendiendo para hacerme inteligente en el tema.

Acà en Hive, aprendì a expresarme mejor de forma escrita, siento que voy mejorando y me siento màs libre y segura al escribir y dirigirme hacia toda la comunidad, esto sin duda me hace feliz. Como he dicho antes, escribir es lo que mas disfruto.

What things or knowledge have you acquired in the course of this year 2021?

This year I joined Hive and with it I learned about cryptocurrencies, undoubtedly an unknown world for me, and although I have read a lot about them, I only know a small part of them, but I want to continue learning to become intelligent in the subject.

Here in Hive, I learned to express myself better in written form, I feel that I am improving and I feel freer and more confident to write and address the whole community, this certainly makes me happy. As I said before, writing is what I enjoy the most.

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3.¿Qué metas u objetivos has logrado en el transcurso de este año 2021?

En parte ya respondì esta pregunta, pero agregarè algo màs. A comienzo de año no tenìa motivaciòn, ni ànimo, ni me planeè metas a corto plazo, tampoco me sentìa ùtil ni bien emocionalmente. Luego que entre a Hive, me sentì ùtil. Ahora hago lo que me gusta, y aùn despuès de cuatro meses me sigue emocionando la idea de mi propio espacio para escribir. Solo eso, lo es todo.
Tengo metas, he estado haciendo cursos para desarrollarme en otras cosas, justo hoy me inscribì en otro,espero pronto hablar de eso. He mejorado en la ediciòn de imàgenes, y sin duda mi objetivo en la lectura de libros està siendo completado.

Este año me dije a mi misma que me quiero sentir plena, segura y feliz. Hacer cosas que me gusten, y aprender cosas nuevas, justo ahora no me preocupa las relaciones amorosas, las amistades ausentes, los discursos polìticos ni los comentarios que no ayuden a edificarme. Despuès de tomarme las cosas asì, siento que podrè hacer mucho y estar mas contenta.

De aquì en adelante todo mejorarà, eso me dejò el 2021.

What goals or objectives have you achieved in the course of this year 2021?

In part I have already answered this question, but I will add something else. At the beginning of the year I had no motivation, no courage, no short-term goals, and I didn't feel useful or emotionally well. After I joined Hive, I felt useful. Now I do what I love, and even after four months I'm still excited about the idea of my own writing space. Just that, that's all.
I have goals, I've been doing courses to develop myself in other things, just today I enrolled in another one, I hope to talk about it soon. I have improved in image editing, and certainly my goal in reading books is being completed.
This year I told myself that I want to feel full, confident and happy. Doing things that I enjoy, and learning new things, right now I am not worried about love relationships, absent friendships, political speeches or comments that do not help to edify me. After taking things this way, I feel that I will be able to do a lot and be happier.

From now on everything will get better, that's what 2021 left me.


Invito a @lisrl26 y @naath a unirse, me encantarìa leerlas.

I invite @lisrl26 and @naath to join, I would love to read them.

Photos edited in/ Fotos editada en PicsArt
Translated in/ Traducido en DeepL .

Thanks for reading! / ¡Gracias por leerme! ❣️

Espero todos esten muy bien, ultimamente he leìdo unos muy buenos post y no me alcanza el tiempo para leerlos todos. Me encanta descubrir buenos contenidos aca en #Hive, sobretodo esos que me hacen dejar un comentario al final.


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