Waking up and feel like eating a pot of soup

in GEMS11 months ago

Have you ever wake up early in the morning and you feel like eating a pot of meal all by yourself?

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Hehehehe..., it does happened to me, and from the information I have gathered so far, a greater number of people says that, what makes people's to feel that way, immediately the woke up, from bed, is because, the previous night, they ate a lot too.

Can you imagine?

So, from what they are trying to say is that, it is only food that can cure food ache, I always heard about it sha, when my friends and brothers talked about this, but it happened to me this morning, honestly, I can't help it than to eat and maintain my position of the last night too much eating.

The best part here for me is that, I would not eat until I am tired again, because what makes me ate too much was because, I so much love the potatoes and yams that someone bought for me, I ate it so much and I didn't think of remaining it, because, even if I remains it, maybe to eat it this morning, it would have sour since it was fried, so, on the process of trying of finish it and not waste any food, because it's not a good thing to waste food, I was over fed and this morning, I have to eat early.

If not that my mother's understand, she would have gotten angry, because while others were still on bed, I was already in the kitchen playing with pot and plaits, it's good for someone to know limit than to always wants to go wild in everything, because going wild in most things can be headache at the end, just as i faced this early morning from the too much fried yam and potatoes I ate last night.