The Daily Good Read List (2021-12-12)

in GEMS3 years ago



HiveHealth selects some of the best contents in Hive.

Congratulate these authors for writing quality contents by supporting them through upvotes, comments, and follows. Good contents mean better Hive.

Content niches may vary on a daily basis and some may not be of your liking, but the list will be long enough to cover most of the popular tags you like. If you are in the list, thanks for making Hive a better place for authors and readers alike!

ThumbnailThe Daily Good Reads List
Be Specific and You pass any challenge
by @aarin-adebiyi # abundance, writing, neoxian, cent
ecoTrain QOTW Season 8.6 FINALE: What Prevents Action?
by @josephdaniel567 # abundancetribe, waivio, proofofbrain, neoxian, archon
Why aren't cats afraid of scary poisonous snakes?
by @xiti # animals, cats, snake, learn, ecency
Digimon Adventure (2020) Anime Review: A Reboot Done Well
by @dlstudios # anime
Blog #117: The Town of Ginatilan
by @kellyane # archon, creativecoin, proofofbrain, neoxian, palnet
Walking and birds spotting November 2021
by @oks2crypto # archon, amazingnature, creativecoin, photography, proofofbrain
Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 198. Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh
by @antikus369 # archon, ecency, ocd, qurator, neoxian
Mankind's art and nature's art.
by @papilloncharity # art, nature, archon, palnet, proofofbrain
[The Offer] - 2D Digital Speedpainting of a Dragon
by @anikekirsten # art, painting, digitalart, ocd, creativecoin
Bright ideas - sand sculpture
by @ammonite # art, sandsculpture, sculpture, stem, creativecoin
Learning Blender - Procedural textures exercise "Sequins"
by @yushirogowa # art, artzone, digitalart, desing3d, sketch
Expat life: Know when to call it quits
by @jack.russelle # asean, expat-life, living-abroad, thailand, teaching
LKP's Axie Log #45: Immortal's Bane Back at 1900 MMR (after 8 Gazillion years)
by @lordkingpotato # axie, hivegaming, hivegc, gaming, ocd
Entry Level vs High-end Gaming Mice
by @riz611 # bdcommunity, bdc, tech, technology, gaming
Cementary Birds in Linz
by @florian-glechner # birdphotography, birds, cementary, winter, austria
Beautiful Buildings Around Me
by @queenmeiko22 # blackandwhite, monomad, street, buildings, citylights
Why I Had To Quit My Job As An Art Instructor
by @anissignature # blog, creativecoin, ocd, bdcommunity, cervantes
Mass indoctrination day 3 (Replay) 9/12/2021
by @opeyemioguns # broelisoriano, mcgi, nigeria, neoxian, motivation
Day 5 Mass Indoctrination Service. 10th December, 2021.
by @charlotte01 # broelisoriano, pob, neoxian, palnet, stach
by @ekc88 # broelisoriano, mcgi, bible, midi, ghana
by @barry405 # broelisoriano, creativecoin, mcgi, archon, africa
Blood Donation: A way of understanding human emotions.
by @abmamun # btc, life, family, relation, parent
I am now officially over 1,000 ELO
by @anomadsoul # chesschesscommunitystreakhgchivegaming
Try Ice Coffee Milk With Palm Sugar From Feeling Brew Coffee
by @nnurdiani # coffee-beverages, coffee-vlogs, coffee-appliances, coffee-art, coffeeshop
ecoTrain: Meal in Budget @winnietran
by @winnietran # cookingonabudget, ecotrain, foodie, neoxian, proofofbrain
A Tale of Two Pizza's - Docking Time moves fast (Week 16)
by @an-man # creativecoin, freewriters, lern, proofofbrain, neoxian
by @blackdovy # cross-post, ocd, hivenaija, discovery-it, neoxian
OCD Sportstalk Incubation Curation Update
by @cryptoandcoffee # curation, ocd, hive, mancave, proofofbrain
It's wine o'clock - New wines for December
by @emuse # dessert, wine, drinks, riesling
My best friends - Su and Kem
by @mrwakeup # dogs, pets, animals, family, love
When the potato crop is damaged by the virus, it is sprayed
by @adreesjan # ecotrain, neoxian, photography, life, poorpeople
Amusement Park Visit - The True Sense of Relaxation
by @technicalone # ecotrain, park, nature, natural, relax
EcoTrain's Question of the Week - Impediments to Action
by @stortebeker # ecotrain, qotw, action, priorities, prevention
We must save the mentality before saving the environment!
by @kawsar8035 # ecotrain, proofofbrain, neoxian, posh, sustainability
by @winniekal # ecotrain, motivational, neoxian, ocd, proofofbrain
Laziness and lack of self determination prevent actions from occuring
by @emeka4 # ecotrain, qotw, proofofbrain, neoxian, bilpcoin
Natural dry fruits and their benefits
by @aliakbar2 # ecotrain, natural, fruit, dry, benefits
Beliefs about the moon - Part 2
by @bdmomuae # education, history, ocd
Problems with left-handedness in children
by @rokhani # education, neoxian, palnet, creativecoin, bee
Epstein's address book transcription: page 1 ~ 4
by @rocket47 # epstein, jeffrey, black, book, 5a
Latte and Spicy Noodles For Dining Out Randomly
by @anggreklestari # food, foodie, travel, palnet, neoxian
Egg and Collard Casserole
by @reddust # food, garden, organic, chickens
My first traditional marriage cake
by @mhizerbee # foodie, diy, baking, proofofbrain, ocd
Very nutritious and delicious red spinach fry
by @aburihan1 # foodie, racpie, neoxian, photography, healthy
5 minute freewrite Friday prompt bull
by @myjob # freewriters, lifehappening, gems, hiveblog, innerblocks
Game Awards 2021: Announcements for PC
by @wirago # gaming, games, news
Garden Journal: The Laughing Dragon Garden Goes Dormant for the Winter
by @cosmictriage # gardenjournal, gardening, homesteading, lotus, seasons
Introduction of myself & How I found out about Hive/GU
by @txmek # godsunchained, gaming, neoxian, proofofbrain, palnet
Gods Unchained Weekend Ranked 21/25 Aggro-Midrange Nature
by @meltysquid # godsunchained, hivegaming, ocd, play2earn, gaming
How to claim and Withdraw your Gods Token
by @admiralsp # gu, play2earn, socialize2earn, create2earn, crypto
Today My best moment. By @shuvobd1 11-12-2021
by @shuvobd1 # hive, photography, beautiful, moment, story
My Nightmare experience reconstructed to add value to community
by @infinitytcg # pgm, hivepizza, pob, cent, palnet
Hive Open Mic Week # 87, Life Is Sweet ~ Original Song
by @holisticmom # hiveopenmic, naturalmedicine, abundancetribe, musicforlife, hivesicians
Formatting Your Content Text Dividers Pink Color Hive Stock Images
by @thisismylife # hivestockimages, graphics, gems, art, neoxian
A girl and her father are lost (Horror)
by @ketchot # horror, story, lost, ecency
Proof Of Greed - The VYB here is money
by @oldsoulnewb # humor, rant, hive, proofofbrain, thoughts
The Context of: Iniesta surrounded by Italy players
by @moealdabbagh # iniesta, football, creativecoin, appreciator, writing
my self introduction in my first post on hive platform
by @aneuk-aceh # introduceyoursel, intro-post, introducemyself, photography, hive
Introduction - NiftyPhill Loves Gods Unchained
by @l337m45732 # leofinance, hivegaming, gaming, blockchaingaming, playtoearn
The End of the Road for Crypto Market
by @muratkbesiroglu # leofinance, cent, tr, piotr, archon
Zoom Live Worship Service. 10/12/2021.
by @angelic01 # love, peace, mcgi, religion, africa
Monomad Challenge: Church of Archangel Michael
by # monomad, blackandwhite, photography, ecency, smartphonephotography
Accompany and experience with child. Why not?
by @lamphuong # motherhood, momlife, hivevn, neoxian, blog
Movies & TV Shows Community Christmas Event Highlight #1
by @moviesonhive # movies, film, writing, creativecoin, compilation
A Boy Called Christmas (2021) A Review
by @kemmyb # movies, ocd, christmas, cinema, fantasy
My Garden Plants #1: Blue Ternate Flower Health Benefits and Tea Making
by @bhelatnasudepan # naturalmedicine, gardening, neoxian, broadhive, cent
Crochet Coin Purse: A Productive Procrastination Project
by @romeskie # needlework, hiveph, philippines, crochet, yarnspiration
The process of avoiding conflicts
by @hakeema # neoxian, creativecoin, blog, palnet, writing
What you value in life
by @afonka # neoxian, writing, blog, bdcommunity, creativecoin
Using the powerful tool of respect.
by @maoyagi # neoxian, writing, creativecoin, ecotrain, blog
ecoTrain QOTW Season 8.6 FINALE: What Prevents Action? JOIN US!
by @repayme4568 # neoxian, archon, palnet, gems, ocd
Research diaries #2: Singularities and regularizations
by @mathowl # neoxian, palnet, blog, proofofbrain, research
Jupiler League Week 18 Saturday Previews
by @costanza # news, preview, football, palnet, neoxian
To the place I belong. The Himalayas.
by @parvkhuller # ocd, ocdb, travel, photography, pinmapple
How secularism feeds into the Covid-19 situation
by @pieternijmeijer # ocd, gems, covid-19, religion, secularism
What About My Weekend? Fun And Boring?
by @merit.ahama # ocd, neoxian, creativecoin, dreemer, smi-le
10 common gifts you can give to anyone at any occassion
by @risingkhushboo # ocdb, life, gems, posh, freewrites
Liberal use of the Oil Paint Filter in Photoshop
by @fastchrisuk # photocircle, photofeed, qurator, appreciator, photography
My Fresh Basketball Self Portrait
by @manoldonchev # photofeed, photography, basketball, oc, doubleexposure
Unique water wheel - Spider
by @vaketo # photography, photographylovers, photofeed, phototalent, ocd
Some sunrise shots around the city I live
by @tattoodjay # photography, phototalent, photocircle, ocd, neoxian
Hidden Gem - Storurd Hike
by @greddyforce # phtoography, travel, iceland, exploration, blog
Six Methods of Safe Driving That Could Save Your Life
by @lennyblogs00 # piotr, gems, blog, writing, health
Don't Be Late, As That is Lame
by @ph1102 # proofofbrain, cent, ctp, leofinance, archon
Dan Brown's Inferno - Review - Overpopulation and Covid 19
by @luueetang # proofofbrain, ocd, posh
ecoTrain QOTW Season 8.6 FINALE: What Prevents Action?
by @johnbenn # qotw, abundancetribe, waivio, palnet, proofofbrain
ecoTrain QOTW Season 8.6 FINALE: What Prevents Action?
by @faithetim # qotw, abundancetribe, waivio, ecotrain, neoxian
Hive Got Stuck In This Position
by @subwaysurfer # risingstar, hive, neoxian, oneup, musicforlife
My Day-44 of Rising Star Game...!
by @uthantzin # risingstar, musicforlife, oneup, trafficinsider, proofofbrain
Beethoven is not dead, he is a millionaire instead
by @banzafahra # risingstar, oneup, cryptogamingguild, play2earn, neoxian
An A.I Trilogy Part 1: The Chess Match That Started Dreams and Nightmares
by @amirtheawesome1 # science, artificial, intelligence, ai, robots
Season Hunt Winter Challenge - Ornaments
by @deerjay # seasonhunt, photography, gems, archon, christmas
Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 48
by @obsesija # smap, ecency, birds, creativecoin, teamserbia
The Four Last Things. The Final Part
by @joseph23 # spirituality, fourlastthings, neoxian, proofofbrain
EPL: Arsenal Vent Frustration On Southampton
by @reservedsingle # sportstalk, football, sports, proofofbrain, premierleague
by @martinlazizi # sportstalk, sports, football, proofofbrain, neoxian
Animal welfare and the effect of pandemic
by @motaryo # stem, proofofbrain, animahealth
The Cabin - Crazy Pen Hallucinating
by @bityobit # story, blog, archon, proofofbrain, neoxian
Reset + Config R700 Ruckus Access Points (IT Networking Tutorial)
by @trippymane # technology, ruckus, wifi, networking, pob
Remote Labs with Mixed Reality
by @juecoree # technology, stemgeeks, proofofbrain, ctp, neoxian
by @dede85 # thecityofneoxian, ocd, waivio, neoxian, ocdb
Book Review - Napoleon Hill - Think & Grow Rich
by @sharp-veils # thinkandgrowrich, book, review, nerd, bookworm
The Value system collapse in my country
by @profgabs05 # thoughts, crossculture, africa, proofofbrain, pob
A Spectacular Son River Sunset Cruise
by @dung-huong # travel, photography, sunsetcruise, peacefullife, sonriver
Happy Hill Da Lat, Vietnam.
by @jessicanguyen # travel, photography, neoxian, proofofbrain, photofeed
Travel to the Cafe at the Top of Mount Salak!
by @seha76 # travel, photography, architecture, food, drink
BORACAY 2021 - Exploring White Beach in the Philippines Part 1
by @genesys # travel, posh, ocd, pandemic, photography
La Vang Holy Land - Famous Tourist Destination in Quang Tri province
by @totocha # traveldigest, travel, pinmapple, vietnam, blog
Hue City - My Hometown in Flood
by @quangnguyen # traveldigest, ocdb, pinmapple, flood, curangel
[Live] Last Epoch (New patch day)
by @faithlesszealot # vimmtv, live, gaming, commentary, gothic
[Polessins' Grow Log] - Durban Poison and Banana Blaze Week#21
by @polessins # weedcash, cannabis, cannacurate, grow, indoor
Who's Who signed my Bong
by @joeyslliks # weedcash, theharvestcup, newenglandcannabis, bong
My Never ending Dream @sonofremi
by @sonofremi # weekend-engagement, creativecoin, ocd, hive, neoxian
The Art of Balancing Work Life
by @oceanbee # weekend-engagement, painting, art, sketchbook, photography
My hobbies - Winter edittion
by @warrkin # weekend-engagement, nature, originalcontent, gems, photofeed
About my favourite hobby
by @scrodinger # weekend-engagement, weekend, proofofbrain, photography, ocd
Performing Arts; A Hobby That Helped Me Learn Public Speaking WE#79
by @titisnariyah # weekend-engagement, hobby, life, hive, neoxian
We're Going Deeper Underground: My Hobby
by @plint # weekend-engagement, caving, weekend, hobby, personal
Weekend-engagement post 79 - Me and My Hobbies
by @otuyanancy # weekend-engagement, theweekend, proofofbrain, appreciators, bdcommunity
My hobby changed my life
by @ipolatjeh1988 # weekend-engagement, theweekend, weekend, ocd, weekend-life
The Memories and Joy of Being A Class Secretary Decluttering Discoveries
by @straykat # writing, blog, throwback, photography, life
3-Part Weekend Freewrite - 12/11/2021
by @mariannewest # writing, thealliance, palnet, neoxian, creativecoin
A Trip Down The Memory Lane
by @tezmel # writing, healing, proofofbrain, abundance, poetry

Each post included on the list was scrutinized through a set of criteria, taking a score of 70% or higher. The criteria include:

  • The title must be between 5 - 15 words, without emojis.
  • The blog content must be at least 500 words, with fair usage of emojis, tagged accounts, images, and tags.

The said criteria are performed with the usage of automation, and the method is subject to change without prior notice.

7-day Curation Reports

This contains HiveHealth's current active followers, ranked based on the 7-day Curation Score. We're introducing a simplified report by introducing a curation score to show a high-level perspective on your weekly blogging journey.

## 7-day Blog Activity
curation score = (Avg Post Rewards / Unique Voters) * 100
Biggest Wrench Ever, Moringga Tea and a Lovely Sunset 080221
by yoieuqudniram (8.728%) # naturalmedecine, sunsetphotography, lovetheclouds, hiveph, ocd
Packign 300 Gifts for Children in Need.
by jacuzzi (7.100%) # travel, culture, video, life, vietnam
Pickle of Cucumber, Onions and Garlics (ENG) (ESP)
by ladyfont (6.297%) # food, recipe, foodie, neoxian, spanish
Road Trip Postcard in Auvergne: Experience an Organized Family Vacation in Le Lioran, France (Part 1)
by discoveringarni (5.397%) # travel, france, auvergne, roadtrip, cantal
[ESP] Dedos fuertes y flexibles. [ENG] Strong and flexible fingers.
by mocha15 (4.314%) # spanish, cervantes, gems, training, fulldeportes
The Vow (2012): Perfection to chaos
by tahminasyed (4.144%) # commitment, cinetv, bdcommunity, movies, pob
MANGUT LELE (catfish)
by ndari (3.329%) # recipe, contest, bbq, foodies, proofofbrain
Wee stories in Croco Loco
by ifarmgirl (3.202%) # traveldigest, ocd, story, themepark, philippines
I teach you how to prepare a delicious tangerine cake (recipe with photos) / ENG-ESP
by kristal24 (2.962%) # recipe, food, foodies, contest, spanish
It's always sunny in Dreemy California ... (Dreemport Challenge entry)
by samsmith1971 (2.334%) # proofofbrain, creativecoin, pob, vyb, hivepizza
Blog #115: Boljoon Trip | Part 2
by kellyane (2.245%) # creativecoin, proofofbrain, archon, neoxian, palnet
ecoTrain: Meal in Budget @winnietran
by winnietran (2.038%) # cookingonabudget, ecotrain, foodie, neoxian, proofofbrain
Cadena de oracion 🙏
by leomarys1504 (1.334%) # neoxian, midi, bible, hive, life
A Wintry Nature Walk
by millycf1976 (1.257%) # photographylovers, amazingnature, teamuk, neoxian, naturephotography
Study With Me #1: one hour, no music
by phoenixwren (1.105%) # studywithme, study, diy, archon, proofofbrain
Planetside 2: Worth the (Re)Install?
by asynckronism (0.850%) # planetside2, mmofps, game, hivegaming, hive
Finally Time to Open New Packs in Splinterlands
by mantis-tobaggon (0.782%) # oneup, battle, hivegaming, blockchaingaming, splintertalk
The design of the children's cane swing is very beautiful
by nusrat01 (0.619%) # architecture design, architecture, desing
We're Going Deeper Underground: My Hobby
by plint (0.574%) # weekend-engagement, caving, weekend, hobby, personal
Ежедневный квест в Splinterlands (6 декабря)
by maxer27 (0.553%) # spt, palnet, battle, sps, ash
Be more thankful #IAAC10
by germangenius (0.516%) # actifit, alive, iamalivechallenge, pob, happy
Macrophotography - Flame
by v-siniarski (0.504%) # photofeed, photographylovers, photography, photographylover, gems
My Actifit Report Card: December 9 2021
by lannabeiker (0.448%) # actifit, , sportstalk
Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 198. Entry for the Shadow Contest/SMASh
by antikus369 (0.424%) # archon, ecency, ocd, qurator, neoxian
My entry to the Ladies of Hive contest #60. Tradiciones/ Traditions
by elentogether (0.397%) # ladiesofhive, contest, photographylovers, palnet, spanish
Pack Risingstar and lots of music to enjoy.
by ricestrela (0.333%) # risingstar, risingstargame, vibes, ctp, pob
2021 Investment Goals - Progress report - getting close
by invest4free (0.335%) # leofinance, ctp, spt, proofofbrain, cent
by davidbright (0.333%) # proofofbrain, creativecoin, neoxian, smi-le, theterminals
Breakfast at Denny’s
by shainemata (0.307%)
by dlmmqb (0.269%) # proofofbrain, giveaway, thoughfulconversation, positivethinking, ececny
Infidelity And Broken Home
by cool08 (0.274%) # fiction, theinkwell, proofofbrain, inkwellprompt, writing
Belief in the Power of Love and Friendship | The Best Gifts in Life are Sweet - Part 2
by juanvegetarian (0.189%) # fiction, writing, inkwellprompt, theinkwell, creativecoin

A total of 32 out of 69 (46.38%) HiveHealth's followers were active this week.

HiveHealth Publications

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HiveHealth is not a curation service, but you can always donate or delegate, so we can continue to select the best contents from the best authors of different niches for you to read and enjoy. Our publications are expected to be released once daily at 10 PM UTC+08:00, but time may vary.

HiveHealth will selectively follow consistent authors and may reward them with Hive SBI depending on the availability of Hive tokens. If you find great posts of any kind, tag @hivehealth in the comments of that post, so we can check it out. :D

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NOTE: If you don't want to be part of HiveHealth's daily list and curation reports, feel free to notify us in the comments below.


Thanks for acknowledging

Thank you for adding me to the list although I am not sure I am qualified to be on that list I greatly appreciate it <3

Thank you kindly for the mention here @hivehealth 😊

Thanks for the mention, I appreciate it a lot!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
infinitytcg tipped hivehealth (x1)
(1/16) @an-man tipped @hivehealth (x1)

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Thanks @hivehealth for selecting my content, I really appreciate it and keep up the good work moving.

Thank you for appreciating my work and choosing a photo.

Thank you for the mention, I appreciate it!

Thanks for the mention✊

It's my first time here and I am over the moon 🧡

The mention is appreciated:)

Thank you so much for adding me in the list and featuring my blog. I really appreciate it 😊

Thank you for the mention.

Thank you ❤️

Thanks for the mention 👏👏👍

Thank you for acknowledging my blog. 😍

Thanks for the mention 🙏.

This was quite unexpected, a huge thank you to @hivehealth for this. Hopefully I will be able to post and share more worthy reads in the future. Cheers guys 🥃

Thanks a lot for the mention! 😎

Thank you @hivehealth team for your support

Thank you for the mention, I'm dedicated to good content, but have very few followers, so this makes me super proud and happy :)

Thanks for the pick! Appreciate it!

Hey thank you !!! s2

Right on thanks for the mention. !PIZZA

Thanks for supporting!

I'm glad to see myself on the list! :)

Thank you for adding me in the list👊👍

Thank you, @hivehealth for liking my post. It is much appreciated.

thanks you for mention 😍

I'm super grateful.Thanks @hivehealth for the mention...this means a lot to me.

Thanks so much for mentioning @hivehealth. You are doing a great job 👍

Thank you all for choosing my post,I appreciate.

Thank you for the mention 🙏

Your support for our proposal has been much appreciated but it will end in a few days!
Do you mind renewing your vote to our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work!
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Dear @hivehealth, /

Your support for our previous proposal has been much appreciated but it expired end of December!
Do you mind renewing your vote to our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work!
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.

We wish you a Happy New Year!Dear @hivehealth, /

Thanks for the mention I really appreciate

Thank you so much for mentioning me among the good reads.