HiveHealth selects some of the best contents in Hive.
Congratulate these authors for writing quality contents by supporting them through upvotes, comments, and follows. Good contents mean better Hive.
Content niches may vary on a daily basis and some may not be of your liking, but the list will be long enough to cover most of the popular tags you like. If you are in the list, thanks for making Hive a better place for authors and readers alike!
Thumbnail | The Daily Good Reads List |
Blog #174: Alfresco Dining @ Chikahan in Bacong, Negros, Oriental by @kellyane # archon, waivio, creativecoin, palnet, proofofbrain | |
Temperate - Built To Love by @justclickindiva # art, creativecoin, surrealism, aliens, digitalart | |
Beersaturday enjoying a few commercial beers in my home brewery by @scoutroc # beer, beersaturday, thgaming | |
Early spring Mason bee update - Feeding on Kale flowers by @solominer # bees, nature, blog, spring, life | |
Great crested Grebe at the Inn River by @florian-glechner # birdphtoography, birds, austria, greatcrestedgrebe, grebe | |
Project FeederWatch -- Week #14 Report 2021-2022 Season by @etcmike # birdwatching, animalphotography, birding, red-bellied, woodpecker | |
Rising Star Meme #30 - New Game Rules and Diving Deeper into Them by @almightygrim # blockchain, risingstar, leofinance, thgaming, oneup | |
Uefa champions league quarter final draws released - Road to Semi final awaits by @tfame3865 # blog, sport, football, writing, soccer | |
DAY 5 MASS INDOCTRINATION 18/3/2022 by @offia66 # broelisoriano, mcgi, love, nigeria, ocd | |
CineTV Contest: Character Most Like Me! Mr. Pink :) by @misslasvegas # cinetv, cinetvcontest, contest, vyb, pimp | |
A Love Letter To Synecdoche, New York by @amirtheawesome1 # cinetv, pob, creativecoin, ctp | |
Don't Look Up Movie - Are the attempts to survive the same? by @nicholas-gg # cinetv, cine, movies, creativecoin, neoxian | |
The Proposal's Review - RyanReynoldsChallenge (24/49) by @ykretz # cinetv, review, movie, creativecoin, archon | |
Joey TribianniCharacter most like meCINE TV CONTEST. by @artworkers # cinetvcontest, hive, movie, friends, contest | |
Citizen science: Installing a tool for particle physics simulations by @travelingmercies # citizenscience, science, physics, stem, neoxian | |
First Time Tried Irish Coffee Latte From Fore With Artistic Cup by @viviehardika # coffee-beverages, coffee-vlogs, coffee-appliances, coffee-art, coffee-brewingideas | |
Coffee shop : Promotion of a coffee new type of rabusta that night by @opick # coffee-beverages, coffeeshop, cinnamoncupcoffee, coffelovers, proofbrain | |
how to make ginger cappuccino by @umirais # coffee-brewingideas, coffee-beverages, recipe, naturalmedicine, foodies | |
Do you have a driving license? ... by the Nutty Columnist [ENGLISH/DUTCH] by @edje # column, writing, humour, comedy, fun | |
Essential Things To Note Before Purchasing a Computer by @iniobong3emm # creativecoin, freewrite, life, ocd, neoxian | |
OCD Sportstalk Incubation Curation Update by @cryptoandcoffee # curation, sportstalk, hive, ocd, tribe | |
Born Stupid Is Not A Choice by @mell79 # divorce, life, cheapwoman, thirdwheel | |
Can it ever be too late? by @zara09 # ecotrain, neoxian, pob, blog, hivenaija | |
DO WE NEED A GURU OR TEACHER IN ORDER TO GROW SPIRITUALLY? by @jamirul # ecotrain, proofofbrain, appreciator, hiveupme, ocdb | |
3 work-life tips you won't hear often. by @anyelina93 # education, palnet, gems, creativecoin | |
My Review of Elden Ring. by @demotry # eldenring, gaming, hivegc, blog | |
Emotions & Feeling: Happily had my haircut! by @peckypeace # emotionalintelligence, inteligenciaemocional, feelings, emotions, happy | |
Fasting Is Better Than Dieting by @shohana1 # fasting, dieting, proofofbrain, ctp, neoxian | |
Be Safe, Be Happy... It Matters To Me! The InkWell Prompt #56 by @hazem91 # fiction, thealliance, writing, inkwellprompt, theinkwell | |
Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #147 by @moviesonhive # film, movies, writing, blog, moviesandtvhighlight | |
Hive Facts: EPL Matchweek 29 Review by @reservedsingle # football, proofofbrain, sportstalk, creativecoin, epl | |
Good, Well-Informed Neighbors A 5-Minute FreeWrite by @hlezama # freewrite, informationwar, whatsapp, community, ukraine | |
A Visit to historical Place Ahsan Manzil. by @bi-kash # freewriting, neoxian, bdcommunity, hive, ocdb | |
HOW I MEET MY MALE FRIEND ON WHATSAPP GROUP by @blacktarri # friendship, whatsappgroup, malefriendship, ocd, ocdb | |
Stand with Ukraine Humble Bundle: Great Value for a Great Cause by @kephler # gaming, blog, humblebundle, proofofbrain, vyb | |
Distant Worlds 2: First Impressions by @bengy # gaming, opgaming, review, teamaustralia, thealliance | |
Red Dead Redemption 2: I'm bored by @whoisjohn # gaming, games, ps4, playstation, open-world | |
Ginger From Garden and New Style Of Photography by @anggreklestari # gardening, sustainability, photography, food, neoxian | |
What is RA? Can athletes be in this condition? by @sadfish # health, sports, bdcommunity, neoxian, creativewriting | |
My best moment. By @shuvobd1 by @shuvobd1 # hive, photography, beautiful, moment, story | |
Short notice about Croatian police by @smf37 # hiveblog, lifestyle, proofofbrain, ctp, vyb | |
IT'S GRIND TIME Rebirth Island Call of Duty Warzone by @riz611 # hivegaming, hivegc, bdcommunity, gaming, videogames | |
ALWAYS IN THE MOOD FOR COFFEE by @lifewithera # hiveph, hivecebu, hivecebubloggers, coffee, localcoffee | |
Flowers in the Bushes are Beautiful! by @seha76 # hl-blog, flowers, hive, indonesian, art | |
Black and white just outside, everyone inside is equal. by @ms-sarmin # hl-blog, poshwriting, proofofbrain, motivation, neoxian | |
Some types of mushrooms that can not be eaten by @aminah01 # hl-blog, indonesia, mushrooms, palnet, neoxian | |
President For A Day My Dream Changes for My Nation by @drtipu # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, ocd, proofofbrain, pakistan | |
If I were to be the president of Nigeria by @joydukeson # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, sm-ile, iup, creativecoin | |
Mr. President for A Day by @uddydan # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, hivenaija, thoughtfuldailypost, creativecoin | |
BEING A PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA FOR A DAY by @bbjmed # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, hivelearners, hivenaija, ocd | |
Mr President for one day - what i will do for Nigeria by @divplanet # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, hl-blog, nigeria, neoxian | |
"President for a day" From Me Week 01-Issue 03 by @arasiko # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, hl-blog, indonesia, writing | |
BECOMING THE PRESIDENT OF MY COUNTRY by @ijohnsen # hl-exclusive, hl-w1e3, ocd, dreemportchallenge, proofofbrain | |
Hives, Bee Order, Chicks, Grilling - Friday by @flemingfarm # homesteading, naturalmedicine, thepollenflow, flemingfamilyfarm, nature | |
Five Interesting Facts About Blockchain by @taiwodavisz # hypeturf, blockchain | |
Natural Gas: A Vital Energy Source by @mengene # hypeturf, naturalgas, energy, stem, oil | |
FIVE (5) REASONS I LOVE HIVE by @princessbusayo # ilovehive5ever, pob, vyb, dreemer, hive | |
5 Reasons Why I Love Hive by @zestimony # ilovehive5ever, stakingrewards, ama, hive | |
How to spot misinformation, trolls and how to deal with information war? by @insaneworks # informationwar, truth, troll, palnet, war | |
A New Member on the Blog... my Introduction by @awuahbenjamin # introduceyourself, proofofbrain, ocd, hiveghana, neoxian | |
A change that would bring me peace and satisfaction.... Ladies of Hive Contest#74 by @amberkashif # ladiesofhive, proofofbrain, pimp, dreemer, vyb | |
Friday files - with a lot of "fishy" bureaucracy by @fionasfavourites # life, blog, reflections, bureaucracy, silverbloggers | |
You need to be happy all the time in life by @racheladeline # liketu, photography, broadhive, archon, proofofbrain | |
Finnaly second map in RisingStar! by @kwskicky # liketu, oneup, leofinance, proofofbrain, vyb | |
LIVE THANKSGIVING SERVICE HELD ON 19/3/2022 by @channell1 # mcgi, broelisoriano, religion, africa, nigeria | |
Of Unicorns and Strawberry Nesquik by @andrastia # motherhood, momlife, lostandfound, toys, unicorns | |
Love & Money: Why The Endless Synonymity? by @josediccus # neoxian, proofofbrain, palnet, psychology, mindfulness | |
EPL OUTSTANDING MATCH PREVIEW: Aston Villa vs Arsenal by @ibkdagreat # neoxian, palnet, hivenaija, football, blogtoken | |
THE CALL FOR A SUPERHERO : CAPTAIN-STARR by @queenstarr # neoxianpuzzler, superhero, fiction, writing, neoxian | |
The Absolute Best Documentary on Netflix by @tommycordero # netflix, series, show, osho, sheela | |
Importance of Setting a self-care goal by @pondravo # ocd, neoxian, bdcommunity, gems, proofofbrain | |
I Have Imagined It, Have you? Guilty As I Am? by @olawalium # ocd, bdcommunity, neoxian, proofofbrain, creativecoin | |
SCAMMERS ARE HELPING OUR COMMUNITY by @kilvnrex # ocd, ocdb, hivebuzz, hivenaija, hiveonbord | |
MY THOUGHTS ON SIMPLE WAYS TO GIVE TO LIFE AND PEOPLE by @brainstommer # ocd, ocdb, life, freewrite, writting | |
WOO - The Upcoming Wrestling Management Game by @mezume # oneup, woonft, wrestling, play2earn, pob | |
My Rising Star Game Progress by @subwaysurfer # oneup, pimp, cent, leofinance, hive | |
Religion's greatest enemy is stupidity by @putradaffa # philosophy, essay, religion, opinion, neoxian | |
Farmer's Morning at the Field by @junebride # photography, hiveph, philippines, ocd, makemesmile | |
Early morning blues on Popes Island by @tattoodjay # photography, phototalent, photocircle, ocd, neoxian | |
MONOMAD RED INSECTS (Pyrrhocoridae) by @flamego # photography, blackandwhite, monomad, macro, mobilephotography | |
macrophotography of the zebra butterfly, which fascinated me. by @alvonsohiver # photography, butterfly, neoxian, proofofbrain, macro | |
What Did Nearly Two Years of Lockdown Do For Me. by @killerwot # proofofbrain, creativecoin, neoxian, crypto, blog | |
These 3 Buddha Quotes Can Change Your Life by @stmani # proofofbrain, motivation, buddha, sutras, neoxian | |
Proofofbrain stats March 18, 2022 by @friendlymoose # proofofbrainstats, proofofbrain, vyb, statistics, stats | |
Day 125: slowly climbing towards a new mission probably take a 10 days by @dotz132 # risingstar, play2earn, oneup | |
My Day-142 of Rising Star Game...! by @uthantzin # risingstar, musicforlife, leofinance, oneup, cent | |
RisingStar - Level 50 added 2 new cards and Reinvest the Starbits by @gondrong # risingstar, hivegaming, oneup, leofinance, risingstargame | |
Male Circumcision : is it beneficial or poses more risk? by @nazom # science, stemng, appreciator, ocd, hive | |
Social Media & the Caustic Covid Commentary by @artemislives # socialmedia, covid, covid19, bullying, judgment | |
What exactly are LARYNX Miner Tokens? by @spknetwork # spknetwork, larynxclaim, larynx, claimdrop, leofinance | |
Hard Life Of A Goalkeeper by @ga38jem # sports, sportstalk, proofofbrain, pob, posh | |
Success FC vs DFA Match Reports by @dfacademy # sports, sportstalk, proofofbrain, chary, soccer | |
Are My 3 Future Premier League Predictions Coming True? by @wolfgangsport # sportstalk, sports, ocd, pob | |
Making compost from kitchen waste by @fantom22 # surtainability, ecotrain, proofofbrain, recycling, food | |
A Deed is indeed a Seed by @raytonix # sustainability, ecotrain, community, nature, help | |
A Little Road Trip From Phuket to Bangkok by @seancallow # travel, food, family, culture, photography | |
On the road (part 2) by @orestistrips # trip, motorcycle | |
Elden Ring - Climbing ladders and exploring the Volcano [Pusen Streams] by @pusen # twitch, stream, streaming, gaming, eldenring | |
WE 93 posting topic prompts: WANT by @salvictoria22 # weekend-engagement, weekend, hive, ocd, neoxian | |
When I grow up I wanted to be........ The picture is currently blurry by @iskafan # weekend-engagement, neoxian, proofofbrain, dreemer, vyb | |
At 60... My Achievements WE #93 by @merit.ahama # weekend-engagement, smi-le, postingcontest, ocd, dreemer | |
WE93; I WANT TO CHANGE SOCIETY ... by @titisnariyah # weekend-engagement, selfimprovement, proofofbrain, contest, life | |
By the time I am 60 years old I want to... (WE93) by @lisrl26 # weekend-engagement, theweekend, concurso, estilodevida, ocd | |
(WE93)POSTING PROMPT :I WANT TO CHANGE SOCIETY by @midemanuel # weekend-engagement, theweekend, ocd, proofofbrain, education | |
(W93) WHAT I WILL LIKE TO CHANGE IN THE SOCIETY. by @gi-de-on # weekend-engagement, weekend, postingtopics, community, theweekend | |
(WE93) POSTING TOPIC: WHEN I GROW UP I WANT TO..... by @mhizerbee # weekend-engagement, theweekend, palnet, weekend, ocd | |
Explore the World & Live Off Crypto by @ifarmgirl # weekend-engagement, postingtopics, dreams, lifestyle, pob | |
Weekend Engagement :By The Time That I Am 80 I Want To by @positivesteem # weekend-engagement, silverbloggers, curie, curangel, qurator | |
WE93: Introspection is the Key to So Much by @papacrusher # weekend-engagement, mancave, pimp, thealliance, neoxian | |
LIZARD CAVE - (part 3) by @abmakko # writing, ocd, fiction, neoxian, thealliance |
Each post included on the list was scrutinized through a set of criteria, taking a score of 70% or higher. The criteria include:
- The title must be between 5 - 15 words, without emojis.
- The blog content must be at least 500 words, with fair usage of emojis, tagged accounts, images, and tags.
The said criteria are performed with the usage of automation, and the method is subject to change without prior notice.
7-day Curation Reports
This contains HiveHealth's current active followers, ranked based on the 7-day Curation Score. We're introducing a simplified report by introducing a curation score to show a high-level perspective on your weekly blogging journey.
## 7-day Blog Activity
curation score = (Avg Post Rewards / Unique Voters) * 100
"Unsettling" (Original Poem) by tahminasyed (27.127%) # lies, poem, bdcommunity, blockchainpoets, gems | |
A Compass Who Had Lost Its Bearings by discoveringarni (25.895%) # self-improvement, personaldevelopment, existentialcrisis, burnout, life | |
Nos vamos despidiendo de Cuzco, una vibra increible. by mocha15 (8.546%) # gems, spanish, adventure, cervantes, appreciator | |
Dinner date with these two lovebirds. ❤️ by queenmeiko22 (7.970%) # dinner, friends, samgyupsal, creativecoin, palnet | |
Monday's Match Issue #7 by fromdrab2fab (5.792%) # pob, hive, hbd, ecency, entertainment | |
Still behind but feeling blessed (I blame Dreems on BOTH accounts❣️) by samsmith1971 (5.577%) # alive, iamalivechallenge, vyb, proofofbrain, pimp | |
Exquisite Colombian potato chips with sautéed vegetables / Exquisitas papitas colombianas con vegetales salteados by kristal24 (4.188%) # recipe, spanish, food, hivefood, foodiesbeehive | |
Blog #171: My Casaroro Falls Quick Adventure by kellyane (3.074%) # archon, creativecoin, proofofbrain, waivio, lotus | |
365 Days of Constant Changes by millycf1976 (2.103%) # teamuk, personalgrowth, selfimprovement, lifelessons, spiritualenlightenment | |
Esp_Eng Solicitando una mano amiga para mi mamá! Requesting a helping hand for my mom! by leomarys1504 (2.050%) # leofinance, spavlog, neoxian, qurator, curangel | |
How To Repair A Stalled Sink Disposal (Eng/Esp) for Hive DIY Contest - General Home Repairs by phoenixwren (1.874%) # buildit-contest, buildit, hivediy, diy, archon | |
Risingstar Packs cards and lots of music by ricestrela (1.776%) # risingstar, risingstargame, vibes, pob, ctp | |
Barefooter group intro by germangenius (1.700%) # cross-post | |
What Did Nearly Two Years of Lockdown Do For Me. by killerwot (1.542%) # proofofbrain, creativecoin, neoxian, crypto, blog | |
10 Things you should know when you just joined Listnerds by thisismylife (1.528%) # ctp, listnerds, leofinance, pimp, gems | |
Ready for mint 🤑Visit Dojiko's Charcoal in OpenSea by doji (1.436%) | |
Upcoming Silent Retreat in Kyustendil Region by atma.love (1.406%) # silentretreat, bulgaria | |
A Closer Look - Pale Tussock by ifarmgirl (1.260%) # insects, caterpillar, paletussock, pob, amazingnature | |
See the Red Ginger Plants I Successfully Grow by ndari (1.151%) # hivegarden, lotus, vegan, neoxian, proofofbrain | |
Simply satisfying meal : Aaloo, Baingan, Tamatar with chapati by chetanpadliya (1.129%) # vegan, lotus, india, health, plantpower | |
My entry to the Ladies of Hive contest # 74. [En-Es] Amor y paz ☮️ by elentogether (1.081%) # ladiesofhive, contest, spanish, photographylovers, mcgi | |
I Almost Have My Motorcycle License Endorsement by shainemata (1.071%) # motorcyle, scooter, transportation, palnet | |
2022 Investment Goals - Progress report by invest4free (1.022%) # leofinance, ctp, spt, cent, palnet | |
Did a new drawing tonight. - "Autumn" by @JACUZZI by jacuzzi (0.926%) # art, illustration, sketchbook, artistonhive, 2d-traditional | |
Escape To Alcoy White Sand Beach by toniettieeee (0.830%) # travel, ocd, ocdb, curangel, cebuhivebloggers | |
Monomad challenge - Men at work by oks2crypto (0.806%) # monomad, photography, creativecoin, proofofbrain, vyb | |
ASUU VS FG: MY VIEW by temibot (0.729%) # hivenaija, neoxian, nigeria, proofofbrain, ocd | |
jarlong travel story 3 years ago by nusrat01 (0.638%) # travel, traveling, cch, story | |
Landscapephotography - Village life by v-siniarski (0.605%) # photofeed, photographylovers, photography, photographylover, gems | |
We Don't Necessarily Need A Guru Or A Teacher To Live A Good Spiritual Life by joseph23 (0.592%) # ecotrain, qotw, spirituality, vyb, pob | |
A Walk to My Eldest Son's New Primary School by happycrazycon (0.511%) # motherhood, educationhive, ecency, gems, ocd | |
TIME OFF by davidbright (0.506%) # creativecoin, ocd, neoxian, proofofbrain, vyb | |
Ежедневный квест в Splinterlands (14 марта) by maxer27 (0.482%) # palnet, spt, battle, ash, sps | |
Organic Grow Room Living Soil Experiment Season 2 #35 - Worm Tea by skylinebuds (0.363%) # weedcash, stem, neoxian, pimp, proofofbrain | |
Palm Springs (2020): Funny and Unnerving All in 1 by plint (0.300%) # movie, cinema, review, culture, movies | |
RAPE: SEXUAL ASSAULT AND TYPES by henrietta27 (0.281%) # ocd, writing, proofofbrain, vyb, hivenaija | |
Fungi Friday Challenge : Spesies Panus Conchatus by teungkulik (0.256%) # fungifriday, mushrooms, qurator, creativecoin, ocd | |
The Legion by cool08 (0.259%) # fiction, theinkwell, story, pimp, ocd | |
My Actifit Report Card: March 14 2022 by lannabeiker (0.214%) # actifit, , sportstalk |
HiveHealth Publications
Easy Onboarding Manual HiveHealth aims to help you have a better experience in Hive. Follow to join our weekly curation reports! |
HiveHealth is not a curation service, but you can always donate or delegate, so we can continue to select the best contents from the best authors of different niches for you to read and enjoy. Our publications are expected to be released once daily at 10 PM UTC+08:00, but time may vary.
HiveHealth will selectively follow consistent authors and may reward them with Hive SBI depending on the availability of Hive tokens. If you find great posts of any kind, tag @hivehealth in the comments of that post, so we can check it out. :D
Sign Up
NOTE: If you don't want to be part of HiveHealth's daily list and curation reports, feel free to notify us in the comments below.
Thanks for listing me.
Many thanks for including my article in HiveHealth, it is an honour.
Oh wow, this is awesome! Thank you and so glad to be included on the list :)
Thanks for including my post!
Such an honor ^_^
Hi @hazem91, been a while. How are you doing?
I'm good
how are you?
I am fine too. Good to see you here on Hive 😊
Thank you @hivehealth for the mention
Thanks, I appreciate the mention a lot 😊
Hello @hivehealth. Thank you so much for stopping by and curating my fractal art and short story post published in the Alien Art Hive Community. I'm happy you liked my content and found it to be of quality. I appreciate you including me here and highlighting my post in the March 20th edition of The Daily Good Read List. What an awesome exposure for my fractal art and short story projects.
Also, congratulations to all other authors and artists spotlighted in this issue.
Take care, and have a good rest of your weekend everyone.
Thank you Hive Health for the kind mention🌺🤩
Thanks @hivehealth for featuring my post. It's a motivation to do more.
Thanks for the mention !! I appreciate ! !PIZZA
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
ykretz tipped hivehealth (x1)
@killerwot(2/5) tipped @hivehealth (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
Wow, this is great. thank you @hivehealth for the mention
Thanks so much for the kind selection and mention, I'm honored!
Thanks alot for adding me to the list. I appreciate 💚
Thank you so much for including my article, it is an honour.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
Ayy thank you soo much for the mention, really appreciate it.
Thank you so much ..i was glad to be chosen. It makes me want to write more. Best wishes to the other writers too. ❤️🇲🇾
@hivehealth Thank you very much for choosing my content. I am honored.
Wow! Am really happy to be mentioned here. Thanks a lot.
Thank you @hivehealth for finding my post worth it and also for the mention. I am thrilled already by this move from you. Keep growing.
I really appreciate seeing my name on the list.thanks alot
Appreciate the mention!
Thanks for the kind mention :)
Thank you so much for the recognition! It means a lot🤗😍
Thanks for the mention.
This means alot
What a nice surprise to be on the list, it's my first time. Thanks for your support
Thanks for including me on the list.
I am honored
Thank you very much @hivehealth for choosing my post as one of the best content. I am very happy 🙂
I thank you very much, because my post was chosen as one of the best this time
Honestly it's my pleasure to be included on the list thank you so much hive health.
thank you. 😊
Thanks for the mention.
Thank you so much.
It is nice to be part of the Hives best contest. Thank you for selecting me.
thanks for listing me
Thanks so much @hivehealth for mention @umirais 🥰
I'm so glad to be part of the people with good content, and I really do appreciate you @hivehealth for taking your time to do this❤️
A great thank from my side @zara09 to @hivehealth for the mention...
Incredible work put in this! Huge Thumbs up and thanks for including my post. It's awesome to see blessed HIVE is with amazing authors and curators alike! Cheers
Thanks for the mention.