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RE: Introducing 100Truefans | Community-Centric Web3 Marketing

in GEMS3 months ago (edited)

X does not pay for publishing content. You pay them to be able to publish some content. Hive generally values originality. It is recommended that the content be created exclusively for Hive before it is cross-posted somewhere else (related to search engine indexing). I will drop you an upvote to increase your reputation.

Could you please verify the authorship of True Fan's content by adding the word "Hive" to your X profile?


Some content creation guides:

Guide: AI-Generated Content = Not Original Content

Guide: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise


You understand that it is generally not anyone's fault that Hive has no other monetization in place as X now does right?

OK, let's leave X and focus maybe on TikTok and YouTube, does the argument of paying the social platform first hold true here?

You also speak of search engine but Hive has no system in place to maximize such traffic, so really no benefit at the end of the day, not for the platform and not for the creator.

Creating content exclusively for one platform is a hell lot of work considering there's many social pages to cover.

Also, originality is more about the content being yours than new or exclusive.

That being said, take a good second look at the image you dropped, under location for your proof of authorship.

YT and TikTok will not pay you anything unless you have a huge following and popularity.
Over 90% of Tiktokers and Youtubers earn nothing. Also, those who earn create original content for monetisation, not spam no effort copypasta.

All Hiveians get rewards (unless they decline) although they cannot be compared with what Instagram/TikTok/YT influencers earn.

It is recommended that original content be created for Hive, before crossposting it on other platforms. If another platform pays more, then it would be recommended to at least promote Hive by adding backlinks to the Hive blog in that other social media post before crossposting content to Hive.

Every next argument you make is just more flawed than the previous.

In the same way that YT and TikTok won't just pay anyone without them adding value(in their case, that's earning a specific number of followers), Hive will not also pay anyone without the stakeholders finding value in specific content or accounts.

Isn't that how it works? Or do we magically earn money by simply hitting publish here? At this point you're more in disagreement with potential supporters of our content and not us - so channel this energy towards them, respectfully.

Also, please be careful calling content on YT and TikTok original and valuable, when was the last time you visited these sites?

Of course you already know the reality of contents on these sites, you simply wanted to subtly call our content spam, great job. :)

Neither Hive or YT is running a charity and deserving of "exclusively".

I hope you've now found your proof of authorship?

Please signify, thank you.

Actually, x does pay users for content through their monetization program (if you qualify), see ~~~ embed:1773771113824387497 . and as you know for regular users x is free. on top of that, x allows you to have subscription based readers on top of the monetization (see image below). twitter metadata:aW1VckIwMGdpZW1hbnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9pbVVyQjAwZ2llbWFuL3N0YXR1cy8xNzczNzcxMTEzODI0Mzg3NDk3ICAuIGFuZCBhcyB5b3Uga25vdyBmb3IgcmVndWxhciB1c2VycyB4IGlzIGZyZWUuIG9uIHRvcCBvZiB0aGF0LCB4IGFsbG93cyB5b3UgdG8gaGF2ZSBzdWJzY3JpcHRpb24gYmFzZWQgcmVhZGVycyBvbiB0b3Agb2YgdGhlIG1vbmV0aXphdGlvbiAoc2VlIGltYWdlIGJlbG93KS58 ~~~@truefans

Not only that, you'll have a greater reach, and be recognized by some of the top influences in the world, or in your local community....or you could sit hear on hive listening to the crickets chirp and dealing with the happy merchant micromanaging what you are permitted to say, liberally speaking, to control virtual pennies that you never cared about to begin with.

Now either hivewatchers is intentionally lying to you, or they are seriously out of date in understanding hive's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as they suck from the teats of the dao-as they intimidate and scare off users and investors alike.

They have no incentive to add value to hive, nor to understand the market, nor to understand hive's customers, nor to understand basic human philosophy, nor to understand user psychology; they are being paid to destroy the value of hive as a network. Truth be told, They should be on their hands and knees thanking you for finding hive a relevant place to post your content, begging you for more. But, instead they gave you a great big f___ you and f___ off as a welcome; What a welcoming friendly community for new users, and influencers hoping to expand their sphere of influence (as is common) to new platforms who possibly could have marketed hive for free and sent users here.

Also, hivewatchers does not speak for hive, to the extent they claim they do represents the hostile nature of the centralization of hive. They are a single dao funded bully who should have been forced into retirement years ago. A whale with enough weight and reputation could easily zero their reputation-or more easily end their dao funding.


On edit:
As proof, hivewatchers has commenced an attack on my hive reputation for rightfully criticizing them and how out of touch they are. They aren't able to respond to criticism with reasons to how I could possibly be wrong. In the absence of a proper response, given the onchain evidence of their attack of a user who since 2017 in good standing and who aided in the war against justin sun, they concede that my criticism if them is correct and they have nothing in which to defend their conduct, ahem misconduct, with. Furthermore, they did everything I say they do to users thus proving my point. They aren't very bright, and should have never have been placed in a position of authority if they cannot handle a little honest criticism. They let too much power get into their heads. @blocktrades , please remove your support for the hivewatchers proposal and punish them for their hubris.

they are being paid to destroy the value of hive as a network.

Sadly true.

@blocktrades , please remove your support for the hivewatchers proposal

He's pushing VP too.


We are aware that X in fact pays its premium users, their argument seems like an attempt to say that on X you have to pay them first to qualify to earn, which isn't a good argument generally.

What's funny is that we don't even care about the rewards, we didn't care about it on X, why would we care about it here?

If we do get the rewards, it's definitely a plus, but if not, really makes no significant difference.

But you simply cannot ask that we decline rewards or publish exclusively on Hive, that should be our choice, we are a marketing agency and we quite frankly know what platform to prioritize for what content.

We don't care about ad revenue on X or inflation rewards on Hive, what we care about is reaching and working with projects.

We do have people on our team who are already conversant with how Hive works, so understand that, all of this is just giving us a huge laugh rather than a headache.

They are meant to ask questions first before passing judgment.

Our collective sentiment is that this is very bad first impression for any new user.

But fortunately, not all of us is new to this.

They need to do better, that's all we can say.

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