There's been a ton of Hive related news this past week. From the malicious Steemy Fork 23 to the controversial actions taken by a white-hat hacker that sent the stolen funds from the fork to Bittrex.
New Releases:
Bittrex Is Puzzled Over 24M Stolen STEEM Tokens on Its Holding Account
by Cointelegraph By Helen Partz on May 21, 2020
Mystery Account ‘Rescues’ $6M of STEEM From Hard Fork Seizure
by Cointelegraph By Helen Partz on May 21, 2020
Steem to Freeze Another $5M in Tokens Associated With Hive Supporters
by Cointelegraph By Samuel Haig on May 20, 2020
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Shared on Twitter, here:
Maybe you guys can also consider listing a verified charity?
We list anything on Hive, plus anyone can join and post a listing for free. Can you suggest a couple charities or maybe sign up and add some? We also provide free social marketing for Hive related projects.
Thank you. As far as I know is that we are the only verified charity on Hive thus far. @papilloncharity aka The Papillon Foundation in South Africa.
We are also currently working a project that will be released on Hive, but it would not require any Hive pool funding. Free social marketing will certainly be of a great benefit to us.
What would you suggest our best route would be?
No probs, I'm looking into your charity and I'm intrigued. Found my way over to your facebook page and this note: and also your website:
I'll use info from those sources and add a listing, from there you can register and I will give you access to edit.
I'm very impressed so far with your charity in SA. Let me know if theres any other ways I can help with development or design.
Thank you kindly for this Donald,
I can see that you know what you are doing and thank you for standing ready to help.
We are at the moment also working on a new "giveaway" to present on hive.
Sort of like a Raffle, but not really a raffle as we don't like gambling.
The issue is to give something back to supporters and a number generating challenge was suggested. A good soul very much like yourself has done a white paper thus far that he is still polishing up and Papillon have opened a new account for the giveaway venture.
It could be a good idea to launch the new idea at the same time as our listing? Or maybe a few days after if we create a "watch this space" effect?
The good thing is that we are doing this on our own and will not be applying for any of the Hive pool funding.
I can send you the link to the white paper if you are interested!
I'm totally interested!
Just to add, I built with 0 intent on using a proposal for Hive pool funds or adding a speculative Hive-Engine token to use the service.
I had a great experience developing/leading the @reggaesteem Tribe on Steem for 9mos or so, onboarding local (Jamaican) small business, musicians and students. My compensation comes from assisting in local crypto adoption, a passion of mine since 2016; not necessarily the upvotes 😉
With that said, I'm an award winning developer (BDPA National HS Competition USA 1st place 1999) and project manager and would love an opportunity to volunteer/assist a charity in South Africa in any way I can.
Please contact me on Discord @ donald.porter#0544 or
PS: I'll have the listing up in the new Charity Category first thing in the morning.
Thank you for your heart Donald.
You will know the guy that's helping us on the technical side and let's see if the three of us can get this project rolling.
Ps. Thank you also for the listing, as it will hopefully help to get Papillon's name out there!