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RE: How to easily spot hypocrites?

in GEMS5 years ago

I'm not sure what's behind these lucubrations, but if there is something/someone in the platform we should protect ourselves from, please, do tell :)

What can I say, we have an allegedly socialist regime in Venezuela whose high ranking officials love Europe and capitalist USA as their turist, investment and children's education destination.

They rant about the evils of capitalism but they love fancy brand products, 5-star hotels and private islands.

Coincidentally, we have been saying that the political/ideological virus we got, which has been affecting us for decades, is worse (and statistically more lethal) than Covid-19 or any other lab concoction.

They claim to defend and represent the poor, but all they've done is to reproduce them. They say the people is always right and should rule, but that's only as long as they do not protest their corruption, ineficiency, human rights violations, and ideological contradictions. They say they represent the salvation of the planet and yet they are destroying our forests to get any mineral, real or imaginary, from their bowels, never mind they have to get rid of the indians they allegedly came to vindicate after centuries of genocide, conquest, and cultural anihilation.

Worse yet, there are entire organizations of hypocrites who rule the world and everything in it. They condemn only certain kinds of oppressions, imperialisms and destructions, others they have to problem to ignore, lest they contradict their ideological sympathies.


You'll know eventually who those might be

You are right about regimes and elite organizations but people still hold the power to topple anyone from their rank once they are united.

You're right: we're ruled by people who work against us, even though they say they work for us.
i have a curiosity:
Why are we ruled by people who work against us?