Unhealthy Boundaries (2/12)

in GEMS4 years ago

This post is a continuation of my previous post about unhealthy boundaries.

Even if you do have the courage to say "no", but you feel guilty afterwards, that's a sign that you have unhealthy boundaries.

Let me tell you, my boundaries have been tested recently. My husband had this brilliant idea to invite my stepdaughter's boyfriend over to stay at our place. Keep in mind, my husband didn't tell me the boyfriend would be staying at our tiny flat until he was already invited. I thought it was going to be a short visit, two weeks tops. It's been over a month and there is no sign of him leaving.

I make dinner every single night. I get my stuff I don't want touched, touched and "borrowed" all the time. I feel crowded here and contemplating going back to live with my abusive family.

My husband, my stepdaughter, and now this new guy is walking all over me because of my poor boundaries. Learn from me and don't be a doormat.

Doormat life is a miserable life.