Hermoso caracol colorido 🐌. Beautiful spiral colorful 🐌

in GEMS2 months ago
Authored by @naidu24j

Buenas tardes querida colmena, feliz y bendecido día , en esta tarde quiero mostrar un caracol que realice con poco material que tenia en casa. Espero y le guste muchísimo como me gusto a mi.
Good afternoon dear hive, happy and blessed day , on this afternoon, I want to display a snail that perform with little material I had at home. I hope and you like it as much as I liked my.

Estos fueron los materiales que utilice:

Recorte de foami color rojo y negro.
Silicon liquido
Tapa reciclada
Papel lustrillo azul
Papel de seda amarillo y verde

These were the materials that you use:
Trim foami red and black.
Silicon liquid
Cover recycled
Paper lustrillo blue
Tissue paper yellow and green

Paso 1: Marcamos en el foami la forma de nuestro caracol y procedemos a cortarlo.

Step 1: click on the foami the shape of our snail and proceed to cut it down.


Paso 2: una vez cortado pegamos la tapa, y procedemos a pegarle el papel lustrillo en forma de trenza por todo el alrededor de la tapa.

Step 2: once cut glue the lid, and proceed to hit the paper lustrillo in the form of a braid by all around the top.


Paso 3: luego de realizar esto rellenamos el centro de la tapa con el papel de seda, en esta oportunidad yo lo hice en forma de flor, y recorte un pequeño circulo, y lo pegue en el centro de la flor.

Step 3: after this we fill the center of the cover with the tissue paper, in this opportunity I did it in the form of a flower, and cut out a small circle, and paste it in the center of the flower.

Paso 4: corte ojos, boca y antenas y las pegue, asi pude lograr este hermoso caracol.
Espero que les gusten mucho y puedan realizarlo.
Step 4: cut eyes, mouth, and antennae and paste, so I was able to achieve this beautiful snail.
I hope you like them a lot and can do it.

