Fluffy pancakes for the boys because I woke up earlier than usual and feeling energised to make something different than egg cheese sandwich.
This is the easiest recipe ever, no mess, easy preps and oh so fluffy. I found it years ago and had been using it.
1-cup all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons brown or white sugar
1 egg (beaten)
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, baking powder and sugar together. In another bowl, beat the egg, then add in milk and oil. Make a 'well' at the center of the flour mixture, followed by pouring in the egg mixture into the well. Mix and blend well all together until the batter is smooth. Smooth.
In a pan, heat up some butter at low heat (the more butter, the yummier the pancakes will be), and scoop the desired amount of batter (according the size of pancakes you want) unto the pan, I usually do one scoop of soup spoon for 1-pancake size about the size of my palm. Per time, I could cook 4 pancakes. Don't mind me, my pancakes aren't too round in shape. Haha. When the top surface starts to bubble, flip to the other side to cook that side. Cook both sides till the desired brown. This recipe can make about 16 pancakes (size of adult's palm).
There you have it — the fluffiest, yummiest, not too sweet pancakes. We love to eat the pancakes with drizzle of honey. If only we also have some strawberries and blueberries, but I forgot to top up the fridge. Still, yummy rum tum in the tummy!
Thank you for reading. Take care.

❤️Love from me❤️ 

🌷Flowers for you🌷