Immediately the lockdown begins, my mum bought some livestocks for me to rear. We've been out of school so I have the time to do a lot of extral works.
I love birds. Not for any reason, but because I enjoy Chicken laps. I have some live Chickens in my possesion right in one of our abandoned toilet in our second flat. No one is using that apartment and instead of getting more cage, we resulted to using the available space for rearing the Chickens.
They were a day old when my mum brought them home for me. I've not joined hive then I would have taken their pictures.
They are now a month old. they all survived my care. I dont have a Kilo, I would have weigh them to know how heavy they are. I think we need to get one.
We also have a few layers. I dont go close to those ones.
Only my mum takes care of them.
Just today, she brought another set of broilers for me to rear. She was pleased with the ones I reared from day 1 to 1 month and they all survived. I know how to take care of fouls.
This ones are 2 weeks old. It would give me less stress compared to those of day old. I'm happy that she bought these birds for me. It's one of the way of keeping me busy during this pandemic that has affected our movements and prevent us from going to school. I''m learning well from it. I will post the pictures of the birds when they are a month older. They should have gotten bigger than I am.
Hope you like my birds. Thank you.
Nice you are rearing the chickens all by yourself and have your own supply of food! Upvoted!
Yes. I rear chickens by myself. Thanks for the upvote. Followed.