Tell anyone who is interested that I like it simple but classy.
That's my dress code formula:simple but classy
I like dressing in a way that makes me feel confident.When I mean confidence I mean not in a way that is lousy or too showy.
I like wearing a dress that I am comfortable in. Whether it is a bugos dress or a shapy dress as far as I am comfortable and I feel happy when I wear it.
More pictures for you to glance at, more pictures to show how happy and comfortable I am.
Oh yeah! that's my cute brother.I will tell you about him some other day,I can tell he looks cute on those googles😂
The essence of posting these beautiful pics of mine is not because I want to be showy. I want us to understand that we should wear what we are comfortable with,we should put on what makes us happy 😂,we should wear what we love to wear.We should not compete with anyone when we dress.Your reason for wearing a particular dress should not be because the other person is wearing it.Sometimes we even go extra miles to borrow our friends clothes or accessories simply because we want people to recognize us. Now let me ask you a question: will you be able to keep up with these?
do you seriously want to make such your lifestyle or don't you know that *what you do overtime becomes part of you?
- If I may ask do feel happy within you when you do these or even when you borrow these clothes just to be like this person or that person do you feel sense of security or self worth because that's the most important thing.
No,am not trying to condemn you because I understand that we all want to look good,even myself.
I want you to understand with me that it isn't the dress that makes you look beautiful,it isn't that dress that complete you rather you are the one that determines the dress sense of that clothes and accessories on you.
Take for instance,what's the essence of putting on a beautiful dress without a charming smile 😃?
what's the usefulness of wearing a transparent dress when your self worth is deminishing.
Simply because you want to be feminine doesn't mean you should expose yourself.
Dress to be you...dress the way you will like to be addressed because me I dress in my own stylish way!
So friends what your's; I mean what's your own dress code?
Have a lovely day and days ahead ❤