Visit to Sao Luis Feirinha

in GEMS3 years ago

I do not know much about the history of this fair; I just know that here in Sao Luis it is customary every Sunday from 9 am to 3 pm. Last Sunday, I finally had the chance to visit it.



This is a very special place for people to have a great time. There are all kinds of areas, culture, food, handcrafts, drawings, dolls, jewells, etc. In general it is a very beautiful place. it includes some picnic areas.


I arrived here just before the pandemic and I had not had the chance to enjoy such a wonderful place. This is a beginning of many activities that are coming back in town.


There is the Saint Joao celebration coming. It is one of the most popular celebrations in the North-East part of Brazil. It is very popular becasue of the food. There will be plenty of it.


In Venezuela I was not used to seeing this kind of fair, especially the involvement of young people like myself. All my friends here (from 17 to 30) love this kind of thing. They participate or help.


There were many drinks and foods and this little bee got stuck to me and accompanied me for much of the walk.


It was a very colorful experience. I had to go back home early becasue the weather changed and it rained a bit, but it was fun. I definitely want to come back, with more money to buy a few things.


Hard to believe that it rained after a day like this, but that's the weather like here in Sao Luis


Hope you are having a great week


Thanks for stopping by. See you next time


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Oi @imabby17 , tudo bem ?

Estou passando aqui para fazer um convite, nós estamos reunindo os brasileiros na comunidade HiveBR e também estamos com um canal no discord a galera lá tem se ajudado muito, com muitas dicas pra nos ajudar na criação de conteúdo.

Seria muito legal você dar um alô lá.

Um abraço.