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RE: The Bloodied Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Big Ben Stops on 666 Date & Rings 9/11 & Space Joos

in GEMS11 months ago

Mathew 13:9-16 is about the eyes and ears. It is to tell people that though they have them Jesus talks in parables because they cannot hear and do not see. But those that are the ones that are with him and see the Kingdom of Heaven and others do not see, though they are shown, they perceive only what they let their eyes perceive. So those that can not see should follow their heart. This is the value of good and evil and includes those things that are the signs that are given. When you do see and hear as Jesus, you see what God provides as communication. For the voice of God is not able to be heard because it would be so loud you would go def. The words that Jesus speaks are repeated but people don't hear what is spoken. So parables are meant for you to use your heart to interpret and this way makes you see what it is in reference to. The parables are the word of God as they make you SEE something as it is told. You see wheat, birds, clothes and you are engaged in the description that is given as the lesson. Because the "ears to hear" do not listen.

Without irony, but as is the will of God, it is because the eyes do not see and ears do not hear that man is asleep. Then, while he is asleep his future is taken when evil sows "weeds" in his garden. Because heaven is like a garden that has been planted with good seed.

Also, the horse ran into a car and other obstacles that did hurt the horse.