Very good morning my dear community, today I want to share with you a significant experience I did with my students about the flavors of fruits, as you know I love teaching and these little ones are like my children, I enjoy every one of their stories and the moments shared with them.
Esta es una muestra se las frutas que nuestros niños y niñas van a degustar, organice el espacio donde iba a realizar la actividad colocando en canasta cada una de las frutas, al igual que decore con un pequeño pendón colocando cosas alusiva a este tema, también coloque mantel y varias atuendos y así realizar de este lugar un ambiente muy agradable.
This is a sample of the fruits that our children will taste, I organized the space where I was going to perform the activity by placing each of the fruits in a basket, as well as decorate with a small banner placing things allusive to this theme, also place tablecloth and various outfits and thus make this place a very pleasant environment.
Vestí a dos de mis pequeñas con atuendos alusivos a la actividad como con delantal y gorros, ellas estaban muy felices ya que les gusta mucho disfrutar de cada una de estas experiencias.
I dressed two of my little ones in attire allusive to the activity such as aprons and hats, they were very happy as they love to enjoy each of these experiences.
Luego como podrán observar en la fotografía les mostramos cada una de las frutas les explicamos que vitamina y para que nos sirven cada una de ellas, y les dimos a degustar cada una de ellas para que distinguieran cuales son sus diferentes sabores.
Es muy grato para mi enseñar y que mis niños y niñas disfruten de cada una de estas actividades, ya que para ellos son experiencias significativas.
Then, as you can see in the picture, we showed them each of the fruits, explained the vitamins and what each one of them is good for, and we gave them a taste of each one of them so that they could distinguish the different flavors.
It is very gratifying for me to teach and for my children to enjoy each of these activities, since they are meaningful experiences for them.
Todas las fotografías son de mi propiedad tomadas de mi teléfono móvil
Samsung j6
Editadas con GridArt
Traducido con Deepl traductor.@IslenisVega
All photos are my property taken from my cell phone.
Samsung j6
Edited with GridArt
Translated with Deepl translator.