Fuente: Pixabay
Hola mis queridos Hivers.
Hoy les traigo un relato de la vida real. Espero que lo disfrute.
Hello my dear Hivers.
Today I bring you a real life story. I hope you enjoy it.
Un Niño Campesino Trabajador y Triunfador 🤵🏇👩🎓 / A Working and Triumphant Peasant Child 🤵🏇👩🎓[ESP/ENG].
Un día miércoles a las tres de la mañana del año 2010 , en un pueblo llamado Sotillo muy cercano a la ciudad de Cumaná
estado Sucre , vive un niño llamado Juan Macías de 14 años, quien perdió a sus padres en un accidente de transito, quedando huérfanos con otros dos hermanos; Pedro de 10 años y José de 9 años. Eran niños estudiosos , trabajadores y talentosos ; le gustaban trabajar y ayudar a sus padre en la labores diarias.
One Wednesday morning at three o'clock in the morning of 2010, in a town called Sotillo, very close to the city of Cumaná, Sucre state, lives a boy named Juan Macías, 14 years old, who lost his parents in a traffic accident.
Sucre state, lives a boy named Juan Macías, 14 years old, who lost his parents in a traffic accident, being orphaned with two other brothers; Pedro, 10 years old and José, 9 years old. They were studious, hardworking and talented children; they liked to work and help their father in the daily chores.
Fuente: Pixabay
Después de la muerte de sus padres tuvieron que abandonar los estudios, donde Juan toma la iniciativa de trabajar para ayudar a sus hermanos menores.
After the death of their parents they had to abandon their studies, where Juan took the initiative to work to help his younger siblings.
Juan se ve en la oportunidad de montar el burro que dejó su padre que era campesino y emprende un día sábado,a las 3 :00 am a recorrer los campos por los caminos solos que fueron duros y severos al pasar por varios obstáculos e inconvenientes, donde lo intercepta una crecida de una quebrada en medio de un paso quedándose atajado por la fuerte crecida impidiéndole no avanzar y sufriendo los embates de la lluvia y el frío atroz.
Juan has the opportunity to ride the donkey left by his father, who was a farmer, and one Saturday morning at 3:00 a.m. he sets out to travel through the fields on his own roads, which were hard and severe as he went through several obstacles and inconveniences, where he was intercepted by a creek in the middle of a pass and was cut off by the strong flood, preventing him from advancing and suffering the onslaught of rain and the atrocious cold.
Se devolvió con su burro a un pueblo cercano, al trapiche que pertenecía al compadre de su tío Fidel Macias para pedirle que le entregara algunos papelones, panelas, verduras y maíz, qué lo ayuden para vender en el pueblo de la localidad , y así alimentar a sus hermanos , obteniendo así la mercancía pedida.
Después de allí se regresa para llegar al pueblo con la mercancía, vendiéndola a buen precio.
Era un niño muy fuerte, trabajador , inteligente y valiente donde un día negociando su producto con un comerciante le explicó que necesitaba un crédito para comprar más mercancía y una mula, dice que la que tiene esta muy agotada, enferma y pasada de años.
El comerciante le dice ; te presto el dinero con la condición de que parte de la mercancía me la dejes y sera como forma de pago por el crédito, aceptando Juan esa condición de pago.
Al pasar un año el chico monta un local de palma y láminas de zinc cerca al mercado de la población recurrente, y así obtiene sus propios ingreso creciendo el comercio y culmina el pago del crédito que le otorgo aquel comerciante.
Juan se reúne con sus dos hermanos; Pedro y josé y les propone que deben seguir los estudios para que sean profesionales. Contando con su ayuda , inician los estudios en un liceo cerca de la localidad de su negocio . Los hermanos obtiene buenas calificaciones cada año y prosiguen a la universidad, donde 5 años después Pedro obtiene el títulos de ingeniero civil y José de abogado.
Juan se sintió muy orgulloso por contribuir en la educación de sus hermano.
Luego sus hermanos ya realizados profesionalmente , les proponen a Juan culminar sus estudios , este acepta la propuesta logrando el título de bachiller , luego en la universitaria logra el título de contador público. En esos tiempos para esos tres hermanos fueron emprendiendo en un mejor comercio, siendo un de los mejores que obtuvieron ganancias un la población enviado esa época , ayudando a las personas humildes y deportistas de la región , celebraban junto a su pueblo sus festividades patronales.
He returned with his donkey to a nearby village, to the trapiche that belonged to the compadre of his uncle Fidel Macias to ask him to give him some papelones, panelas, vegetables and corn, which help him to sell in the village of the locality, and thus feed his brothers, thus obtaining the merchandise requested.
After that he would return to the village with the merchandise, selling it at a good price.
He was a very strong , hardworking , intelligent and brave boy where one day negotiating his product with a merchant explained to him that he needed a credit to buy more merchandise and a mule , he says that the one he has is very exhausted , sick and past his years.
The merchant tells him ; I lend you the money with the condition that part of the merchandise you leave it to me and it will be as a form of payment for the credit, accepting Juan that condition of payment.
After a year the boy sets up a shop of palm and zinc sheets near the market of the recurrent population, and thus he obtains his own income growing the commerce and finishes the payment of the credit that the merchant gave him.
Juan meets with his two brothers; Pedro and José and proposes to them that they should continue their studies to become professionals. With their help, they begin their studies at a high school near their business location. The brothers obtained good grades each year and went on to university, where 5 years later Pedro obtained a degree in civil engineering and José a law degree.
Juan felt very proud to contribute to his brothers' education.
He returned with his donkey to a nearby village, to the trapiche that belonged to the compadre of his uncle Fidel Macias to ask him to give him some papelones, panelas, vegetables and corn, which help him to sell in the village of the locality, and thus feed his brothers, thus obtaining the merchandise requested.
After that he would return to the village with the merchandise, selling it at a good price.
He was a very strong , hardworking , intelligent and brave boy where one day negotiating his product with a merchant explained to him that he needed a credit to buy more merchandise and a mule , he says that the one he has is very exhausted , sick and past his years.
The merchant tells him ; I lend you the money with the condition that part of the merchandise you leave it to me and it will be as a form of payment for the credit, accepting Juan that condition of payment.
After a year the boy sets up a shop of palm and zinc sheets near the market of the recurrent population, and thus he obtains his own income growing the commerce and finishes the payment of the credit that the merchant gave him.
Juan meets with his two brothers; Pedro and José and proposes to them that they should continue their studies to become professionals. With their help, they begin their studies at a high school near their business location. The brothers obtained good grades each year and went on to university, where 5 years later Pedro obtained a degree in civil engineering and José a law degree.
Juan felt very proud to contribute to his brothers' education.
Then his brothers, already professionally accomplished, proposed to Juan to finish his studies, he accepted the proposal, obtaining the title of bachelor, then in the university he obtained the title of public accountant. In those times for those three brothers were undertaking in a better trade, being one of the best that obtained profits a the population sent that time, helping the humble people and sportsmen of the region, celebrated with his people their patron saint festivities.
Reflexión: ¡¡¡Nunca es tarde para lograr la dicha!!!
Hasta un próximo encuentro Hivers! No olvide dejar tu valioso comentarío.
Las imágenes son tomadas de pixabay
Escrito por: @jalito80
Reflection: It's never too late to achieve happiness!!!!
See you next time Hivers! Don't forget to leave your valuable comment*.
*Pixabay images are taken.
Written by: @jalito80