Mi Presentación / My Presentation

in GEMS3 years ago

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Buenas tardes! Soy Venezolana, Profesora de inglés.

Me gustan las plantas y los paisaje. Me consideró una mujer de ambiciones y sueños.

A lo largo de mi vida ,tratando de encontrar mi verdadero talento, he aprendido a hacer de todo un poco y me gustaría poder compartir todo mi conocimiento.

De este grupo espero el apoyo de todos para seguir creciente como personas y aprender nuevas cosas.

Good afternoon! I am Venezuelan, English teacher. I like plants and landscapes. I consider myself a woman of ambitions and dreams.

Throughout my life, trying to find my true talent, I have learned to do a little bit of everything and I would like to share all my knowledge.

From this group I hope for everyone's support to keep growing as people and to learn new things.


Welcome janced10!
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Bienvenida amiga.. te deseos muchos éxitos en la colmena

Hello, @janced10! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

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If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!