jane911x cross-posted this post in GEMS last month

Biodiversity Volunteer | Planting Trees

in Hive PHlast month

Happy weekend, dear hivers! As part of our company's corporate social responsibility, they organized a tree planting activity in one of their lands, located at Banawa Heights, Cebu City. Since i'm a plantita, I got interested in the activity and volunteered.
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We gathered in the office at around 6am, ate our Jollibee burger steak breakfast and coffee, then headed to the planting area. The one thing i hate about going to these activities is waking up early. I always have an internal battle of whether to go or not to go as soon as my alarm kicks in. But I always pushed through, every time.
Our company partnered with another group of volunteers who directly managed the planted seedlings. Before the start of the activity, the other group of volunteers demonstrated what we should do. First, we need to remove the invasive species or unnecessary weeds surrounding the planted seedlings, if there's already one, then check if the seedlings are still alive. If found that the seedlings are dead, we then move to the second step, which is to dig a little hole and plant a new seedling.
We were provided with tools consisting of gloves, shovel, disposable rain coat, and scissors.
As we were about to start planting, it began to drizzle. Fortunately, we were given disposable rain coats so our planting eventually push through. Everyone enjoyed the activity with matching Taylor Swift music in the background. Once in a while, we stop planting because of the rain but as soon as it stops, we resume our activity again.
We ended our activity just in time for lunch and went back to the office. The organizers prepared sumptuous foods for all of us to enjoy.
Over all, the tree planting activity was both enjoyable and fulfilling. I hope to volunteer to more CSR activities in the future.

That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one!

Sending you some love and light

Love, Jane