jane911x cross-posted this post in GEMS 3 months ago

Bodega Design Caravan

in Hive PH3 months ago

If you're an artist, in any form, or merely a lover of arts and culture, this art caravan is for you! Bodega Design Caravan is organized by Filipinos all over the country to form a caravan which showcase different cultures within the Philippines.
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As you know, our country has over 7,000 island, each have their own culture and tradition. In this caravan, Filipinos unite to highlight beautiful pieces like furniture, hand painted bags, Filipiniana, and unique pieces made from high quality local materials.
Upon entering the pavilion, visitors must register their name and contact number to receive a brochure and some snacks. I wasn't able to claim my free snacks since it's already out of stock. You will then be greeted by the first booth, the Cebu Homecraft. They're designs are made of delicate wood, each are crafted carefully and thoughtfully.
I was honestly expecting more clothes in this caravan, but unfortunately, most of their pieces are hand crafted or hand painted which made the item more valuable. Here are some unique pieces i found in the caravan.

For the clothing section, they have co ordinates, Filipinianas, and sunday dresses.
Each booth has a meaningful purpose and cause. Some even add they're stories on the side to share awarenes to the visitors. They also have unique bags, shaped in puso (a.k.a native rice) and hand painted bags.
For their jewelry pieces, pearl of the orient is ever present in most design, as well as other valuable stones and studs.
Overall, it feels more like an exhibit than a caravan because each booth has different surprises. Im totally amazed by our rich heritage and most of all, our talented locals who created these products.

That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one!

Sending some love and light

With love, Jane