Greetings Gems community
Saludos comunidad de Gems
Today I will tell you how was my day with my girlfriend, while trying to solve a problem where bureaucracy was totally useless.
El dia de hoy les comentare como fue mi dia junto a mi novia, mientras tratabamos de resolver un problema donde la burocracia fue totalmente inutil.

The beginning of the day:
El comienzo del dia:
It began in a normal way... We thought that it would not take long, to attend a person who only wants a photocopy or legal authorization should not take long ...
Comenzo de una forma normal... Pensabamos que no tardariamos mucho, atender a una persona que solo quiere una fotocopia o autorizacion legal no debe tardar mucho...

Once we arrived at the place, my girlfriend called her mother to ask her for the number of the page we were looking for and the surprise for us was no other than...
Ya habiendo llegado al lugar, mi novia llama a su mama para preguntarle el numero de folio que buscariamos y la sopresa para nosotros no fue otra mas que...

Everything was full of people, there was no room for a single soul in that whole building, the external parts were bursting with people... At that time nobody believed in any kind of illness.
Todo estaba abarrotado de personas, no habia lugar ni para un solo alma en todo ese edificio, las partes externas estaban a estallar de personas... En ese momento nadie creía en ningun tipo de enfermedad.

The place where we are going is this one, I was a little shocked to see so many people but we had no choice but to look to see where we were going.
El lugar a donde nosotros vamos es este, quede un poco impactado al ver a tantas personas pero no tuvimos mas opcion que buscar ver en que lugar ibamos.

A complete view of the whole place, and there were even more people around us that I didn't get to film.
Una vista completa de todo el lugar, y aun habian mas personas alrededor de nosotros que no llegue a grabar.

The funniest and most ironic thing of all is this, a sign that asks us to keep our distance... but to do so would be to lose your place to some opportunistic ¨. The Venezuelan vivacity ¨.
Lo mas gracioso e ironico de todo es esto, un cartel que nos pide que guardemos distancia... pero hacer eso seria perder tu puesto por algun oportunista ¨ La viveza venezolana ¨.

There were two queues, one that said zone one and one that said zone two, we didn't know which one we would take so we each stood in one and asked occasionally.
Habian dos colas, una que decian que era la zona uno y otra que decian era la zona dos, no sabiamos cual tomariamos asi que cada uno se coloco en una y preguntabamos ocasionalmente.

One man told us that the division was, after Vargas Avenue, zone one, before that zone is zone two.
Un señor nos dijo que la division era, despues de la avenida vargas la zona uno, antes de la misma es la zona numero dos

Mr. Franklin was a great ally at that time and explained many things to us, like that we would need to move with a lot of money or just get up early to simply take some number to get in very good
El señor Franklin fue un gran aliado en ese momento nos explico muchas cosas, como que necesitariamos movernos con mucho dinero o directamente llegar a madrugar para simplemente tomar algun numero para entrar muy bueno

They all made their traps left and right without any fear, called someone from inside and entered through the gate I mentioned above.
Todos hacian sus trampas a diestra y siniestra sin miedo alguno, llamaban a alguna persona de dentro y entraban por el porton que ya les mencione arriba.

A little disappointed and after 4 hours waiting we went back and simply decided to go home, in the end not everything was bad at least we had several jokes and we got several smiles.
Un poco decepcionados y luego de 4 horas esperando nos regresamos y simplemente decidimos irnos para mi casa, al final no todo fue malo al menos tuvimos varios chiste y sacamos varias sonrisas.

I don't care what I have to do, the time spent with you is the best without hesitation, it seems to me the most beautiful thing we can have, the time that you and I share.
No me importa lo que tenga que hacer, el tiempo que pase contigo es el mejor sin dudarlo, me parece lo más hermoso que podemos tener, el tiempo que tú y yo compartimos.
Let's hope you know that in my country bureaucracy is like a saying ¨. For the money the monkey dances ¨ that without money you can't even make a move in here.
Esperemos sepan que en mi pais la burocracia es como dice un dicho ¨ Por la plata baila el mono ¨ que sin dinero no puedes lograr ni hacer un movimiento aqui dentro.
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