Y es que me quede maravillada con tan hermosa imagen que quedo luego de tomarle la fotografia, pues es super bella la tonalidad de esta flor e intensa a la vez, que inspira y ha inspirado a muchos poetas en sus versos y a muchos pintores los ha motivado a dejarlas plasmadas en sus lienzos.
Hola chicos y chicas de #Hive y #Gems. En esta oportunidad les presento una pequeña reseña ispirada en estas hermosas flores conocidas por todo el mundo como Rosas.Hello boys and girls from #Hive and #Gems. In this opportunity I present a small review inspired by these beautiful flowers known throughout the world as Roses.
And it is that I am amazed with such a beautiful image that I am after taking the photograph, because the tonality of this flower is super beautiful and intense at the same time, which inspires and has inspired many poets in their verses and has motivated many painters to leave them captured on his canvases.
¡Su origen y leyenda es interesante!
Its origin and legend is interesting!
Por ejemplo, existe un antiguo mito griego que cuenta que la diosa Cibeles creo esta flor en honor a la extraordinaria belleza de Afrodita y queriendo ser competencia de ella, dio lugar a esta hermosa flor. ¡Que interesante no! Pero lo cierto es que esta atractiva creacion natural nos deja impactados ante tantas variedades y colores tan atrayentes, asi como tambien de sus aromaticas fragancias.
Mostly, these flowers come from Africa and Asia. However, many historians say that the Greeks were the ones who introduced them to Europe. Moreover, without going too far into the scientific and historical subject, I do know that this masterful flower has been considered through the passage of time as a symbol of Passion, of Love and even represented some goddesses.
For example, there is an ancient Greek myth that tells that the goddess Cibeles created this flower in honor of the extraordinary beauty of Aphrodite and, wanting to compete with her, gave rise to this beautiful flower. How interesting isn't it! But the truth is that this attractive natural creation leaves us shocked by so many varieties and attractive colors, as well as its aromatic fragrances.
“Son una forma de decir: ‘Hay alguien que piensa en ti’.”
"They are a way of saying: 'There is someone who thinks of you'."
Tambien se podria decir que estas hermosas flores pueden aliviar tu mente al verlas y tu cuerpo al olerlas , por lo que son usadas para hacer aromaterapias; ya que la frangancia que despiden son relajantes y van en armonia con una sensacion de paz y total calma. Dieteticamente tambien el ser humano le ha encontrado el uso apropiado en algunas bebidas como los tes, helados, asi como en las ensaladas.
Pero sin duda alguna, nos podemos quedar con lo que mas se usa de esta flor : "el romanticismo" que va tras la entrega de ella al ser amado.
This motto is interesting, because as I had already briefly mentioned, many people, regardless of their culture, have always seen the Rose as a symbol of Passion and Love. And without entering into controversy, this flower makes any woman in love melts with emotion when that loved one for whom she feels a deep affection gives it to her.
It could also be said that these beautiful flowers can relieve your mind when you see them and your body when you smell them, so they are used for aromatherapy; since the fragrance they give off is relaxing and goes in harmony with a sense of peace and total calm. Dietetic also the human being has found the appropriate use in some beverages such as teas, ice creams, as well as in salads.
But without a doubt, we can keep what is most used of this flower: "the romanticism" that goes after the delivery of it to the loved one.
"Esplendorosas y a la vez delicadas"
"Splendid and at the same time delicate"
Si seguimos el ejemplo de las Rosas y le damos tiernos cuidados, al igual que ella florecera y sera mas hermosa que nunca, el amor de pareja; ese romanticismo, no morira y sera visto y admirado por quienes les rodeen, por la elegancia y delicadesa de sus petalos de rosas.
¡Sin lugar a dudas, las rosas de mi rosal; estan mas hermosas y llamativas que nunca!
Taking into account the example of the Roses, it could be said that Love is splendid like her, but due to its delicacy it has to be cared for with tenderness and perseverance. In the case of the love of a couple with which they are often compared, it is often said that if it is not watered it withers; and this is very true, but as with a Rose you also have to place them in the Sun; The care of the couple's relationship must be avoiding the low temperatures of monotony, rather the flame of passion must be raised by sharing quality moments together. And just as it is usually pruned and fertilized, eliminate what harms the relationship such as mistreatment, hurtful words and replace it or pay love, respect, trust and sacrifice for the other.
If we follow the example of the Roses and give her tender care, just as she will bloom and be more beautiful than ever, the love of a couple; that romanticism, she will not die and will be seen and admired by those around them, for the elegance and delicacy of her rose petals.
Without a doubt, the roses from my rosebush; They are more beautiful and striking than ever!
¡Dedicado al amor que siento por mi esposo Eddy, eres mi hermoso Rosal!
Dedicated to the love I have for my husband Eddy, you are my beautiful Rose Bush!
"Las imagenes de esta publicacion fueron tomadas desde la camara de mi celular y editadas con la ayuda de photoscape".
"The images in this publication were taken from my cell phone camera and edited with the help of photoscape".