Se trata de un rico y saludable fruto que tengo sembrado en frente de mi casa, y se le conoce aqui en Venezuela con el nombre del "Merey".
A esta fruta natural se le puede sacar provecho de diferentes maneras, pues en lo que tiene que ver con la fruta en si, se pueden comer directamente ya que es rica en vitaminas C, B6, Hierro, B12, entre otros mas. Asi como tambien te ayuda a tratar y equilibrar los niveles altos del colesterol. Ademas, en cuanto a lo que tiene que ver con malestares de garganta, como por ejemplo la amigdalitis; es una gran aliada para combatirla si desde muy temprano se detecta y se le da de comer el fruto y el zumo.
Hola nuevamente amigos de #Hive y #Gems. Hoy a pesar de tanto tiempo de estar ausente con mis post debido a diversos inconvenientes de red y salud, aqui vuelvo con un gran animo para mostrarles en esta ocasion en que me estuve deleitando en casita mientras no publicaba.Hello again friends of #Hive and #Gems. Today, despite being absent for so long with my posts due to various network and health problems, I come back here with great encouragement to show you this time that I was enjoying myself at home while I was not posting.
It is a rich and healthy fruit that I have planted in front of my house, and it is known here in Venezuela by the name of "Merey".
You can take advantage of this natural fruit in different ways, because in what has to do with the fruit itself, you can eat it directly since it is rich in vitamins C, B6, Iron, B12, among others. As well as helping you treat and balance high cholesterol levels. In addition, as for what has to do with throat discomfort, such as tonsillitis; It is a great ally to combat it if it is detected very early and is fed the fruit and juice.
Tambien es digno de mencionar que con su fruta o pulpa como le decimos por aca, se prepara un delicioso "Dulce de Merey" que deleita los paladares mas exigentes.
Entre esos paladares, no estan exentos los de los animales de mi casa, que al verlos y si tienen una oportunidad se los comen, pues saben lo nutritivos que son estas frutas.
Here in Venezuela, my country; specifically this tree grows widely in the states of Anzoategui, Monagas, Bolivar and Zulia. That is why I live in Anzoategui, because this fruit is easily grown. She does not require great care but if she is in your home, it is advisable to prune her when she is not bearing fruit and water her constantly so that her fruit can have many active nutrients as I already mentioned.
It is also worth mentioning that with its fruit or pulp, as we say here, a delicious "Dulce de Merey" is prepared that delights the most demanding palates.
Among those palates, those of the animals in my house are not exempt, that when they see them and if they have a chance they eat them, because they know how nutritious these fruits are.
Ademas de esto, al tostar sus semillas o pepas, se preparan unos "Turrones de Merey" super deliciosos que ni para que les cuento. Todo es cuestion de saber procesar esta semilla, pues su modo de preparacion para poder disfrutarlas es un poco peligrosa para aquellos que sufran de problemas respiratorios, ya que el humo proveniente del tostado de ella es altamente toxico en espacios cerrados, debido a ello su proceso de tostado debe ser al aire libre con suficiente espacio abierto y entrada de aire.
Aqui les dejo una muestra de las semillas ya tostadas por mi hijo, quien lo hizo teniendo en cuenta las medidas de precaucion para prepararlas. ¡Y asi quedaron!
Something peculiar about this fruit is its seed, which unlike other fruits that usually have the seed inside; This one has it on the outside. And speaking of it, I can tell you that when roasted, inside the shell is the nut, which is rich in oils that are good for health and contains collagen and elastin.
In addition to this, by roasting their seeds or pips, they prepare some super delicious "Merey Turrones" that I don't even need to tell you about. It's all a matter of knowing how to process this seed, since its preparation method to be able to enjoy them is a bit dangerous for those who suffer from respiratory problems, since the smoke from roasting it is highly toxic in closed spaces, due to this its process Roasting should be outdoors with sufficient open space and air intake.
Here I leave a sample of the seeds already roasted by my son, who did it taking into account the precautionary measures to prepare them. And so they were!
This is just to mention some of the properties and preparations of this nutritious and delicious fruit. However, they are encouraged to take care of this tree if they have it, as it is a great source of food for those who have not met it yet. Both its pulp, its juice, and its seed, are delicious on your palate. Enjoy the fruit of the Merey!
"Todas las imagenes de este post fueron tomadas con la camara de mi telefono celular y la imagen de portada fue mejoradoa con la ayuda de photoscape".
"All the images in this post were taken with my cell phone camera and the cover image was enhanced with the help of photoscape."
Buen post, feliz regreso, y para apoyar eso... (esto me salió en verso)
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