Hello Hivian friends. This time comes where we have the need to analyze the things that have happened. No one will be surprised to say that it was very difficult and we had many obstacles to overcome.

I ended the year 2019 very tired, so I decided to rest for a few days, the truth is that I grabbed the bed and did not get up anymore; Stress is a very dangerous disease that progresses silently, this led me to a deep depression that kept me in bed for four months, I lost the will to live and the meaning of life; It was my loved ones who took me forward.

I managed to get out of bed, now I had to look for something to be entertained, the idea of doing something with my own hands came up, hence the idea to start making ¨cascadas¨ de ¨cemento¨ .

I discovered that I had a lot of skill in my hands, with this in mind I began to do all the things that were missing in the house, this is how I made an enclosure for the garden, from there I did not stop building wooden furniture

The success of the "sales" motivated me a lot, I discovered that I had a business opportunity in my hands, but to keep moving forward I needed some tools, that was the first obstacle, it had been a long time he works, he did not have money, this was circumstantial, the second obstacle was decisive; This condition that plagues us all was present

This condition changed our way of life, it forced us to stay at home, although we love to be with our loved ones, spending a long time without a strategy can end up stressing us; This is how the idea of the garden was born, agriculture is an activity that allows you to do as a family

During these months we have planted everything, it was a good way to make family life more pleasant, it served to improve ties, in addition to saving money on vegetable purchases; Best of all, we discovered together that there is no greater satisfaction than eating the things your hands sowed

These activities, together with the love of the family made me overcome the depression, now I was able to resume my activities on the web; When I returned to hive I found a wallet with money, it was what I used to buy the tools I needed to continue advancing in furniture

With the right tools I was able to improve the things we build, that differentiation has brought us many clients, now we do almost anything, orders come in every day, now they have asked us for a budget for a house doll for a girl

Hive was essential to survive this year, I am not just talking about money, with it it allowed me to create an alternative source of income, which was essential to grow in my ¨Hive¨ ¨Power¨, I started the year with 1300 HP and today I have exceeded 6000 HP; This is intended as a savings for my retirement insurance. I started the year with no life expectancy, and I am finished with a retirement insurance project, and I owe that to our beloved company

We are ending a very difficult year, we have learned many things, but the most important thing was; That the things that make life worthwhile are in the simple things, such as being with the family without a “mouth”, sharing a “coffee” with a friend, walking freely on the street, attending a meeting with the children. Park. Family is always the key if you are looking for happiness

Source: vimeo-free-videos
What an inspiration to all!Fantastic journey, @jlufer. You turn lemonades out of lemons. This certainly a good example for your family!
how are you dear friend @ silversaver888 good night
I heartily appreciate your empathy, you are very gentle, family was the key to overcoming
Thank you very much for your kind words and support that you provide to my post
have a happy start to the week
#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
You are Wright dear friend @jlufer family is all and I pray I can have same opportunity has yours but I will put in all efforts to make sure I achieved this hight too enjoy your day dear friend
Without a doubt you will have a beautiful family dear friend, remember these words
You are very kind, I heartily appreciate your kind words and support that you provide to my post
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid nighthello dear friend @tobywalter good afternoon
We hope all human can be happy
that is a great wish dear friend
I really appreciate this visit and your wishes
stay safe and take care dear friend
have a happy start to the weekhow are you dear friend @davidmuhammad good night
Wow. I had no idea you were so skillful and close to your family. Many good vibes around.
It Is nice to see you overcame your health problems through productive activities.
Thanks for sharing.
hello dear friend @ gabmr good night
happy that my manual works have been to your liking.
the family and their affection is very powerful dear friend, you can bring forward the most fallen person
Thank you very much for your kind words and support for my work.
I take this opportunity to wish you a beautiful night and a happy rest
Hello my friend @jlufer, thank you so much for sharing your story and experience. I am inspired by your life story. Congrats on your success in fighting depression! Keep going strong my friend, never give up as life as such always have ups and downs. Life is like a wheel that spins up and down, sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down in the circle of life. We can never always stay up but we can be prepared that when the wheel spins down, we have our family to keep us staying strong. I fully agree with you, nothing in this world can beat the love of a family. Family is the pillar to keep us standing and going when we face challenges in this life. Even if we have a thousand friends, we still need that family love to keep us going strong in tough life situations. I wish you all the best for the new year. May you have all the best that the world can offer you with the best of health, wealth and happiness, cheers and take care always, ainie
how are you dear friend @ ainie.kashif good night
Thank you very much for your empathy towards my illness, I appreciate all your time in visiting and making this beautiful comment. It makes me very happy that you enjoyed my story, without a doubt the family was the key to my overcoming
stay safe and take care dear friend
have a beautiful night and a happy start to the week
You too @jlufer, wishing you all the best and all goodness in the New Year for you and your family. Have a great week ahead! cheers, ainie
Thank you so much for sharing your story it's so inspirational.
how are you dear friend @ maaz23 good night
thanks to you for being interested in my post, you are very kind
stay safe and take care dear friend
have a wonderful night
dear you are really has great skill, and my best wishes pray with you you always live very much happy, my pray new year bring for you more pleasure and happiness amin
how are you dear friend @ yousafharoonkhan good night
happy to know that my skills have been to your liking.
I really appreciate your words and good wishes. thank you very much dear friend
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the week
It feels good to create something, especially things you use or see everyday. I went thru a similar struggle but this year and I too found a new hobby! Keep staying positive and remember it will always get better. Life is full of highs and lows but learning from the past will help you overcome life’s challenges the next time.
hello dear friend @ cryptoknight12 good night
You are very right in what you say, I appreciate very much that you do it and share your experience about this silent disease.
it's good to know that you've found a hobby to channel your energies
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and I support my post
have a splendid night and happy dreams
Congratulations friend, how lovely you enjoyed it as a family, thank God to Hive and your performance, I wish you good health, peace and happiness.
very happy that my year has been to your liking. family was the key to getting ahead
I heartily appreciate your kind words and support my post
have a happy start to the weekhow are you dear friend @magdasierra good night
Que grande @jlufer, un auténtico campeón! Saludos amigo!
muchas gracias por tu tiempo en visitar y comentar mi post, eres muy gentil.
aprovecho para desearte un esplendido día y una prospera semanahola querido amigo @jhelbich buen día
¡Hola amigo @jlufer! ¡Que hermosas y aleccionadoras a la vez, tus experiencias! Ellas se han convertido en un incentivo, para quienes estamos luchando en nuestro día a día, con situaciones similares. La vida es un gran aprendizaje. Mis felicitaciones por tu gran entereza y por la hermosa familia que te gastas. Buenas vibras para ti y cariños a granel.
Congrats for offering us inspiration!
You're right: