What motivates you to create content on Hive? Tag of the various questions

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

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Hola mis amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad de ¨Gems¨ Es un enorme placer poder estar nuevamente aquí junto a ustedes con otro video que hacemos con mi esposa Gabriela; Aquellos que siguen mi Vlog, conocen el plan de publicación que tenemos, todos los días presentamos un video

Hello my friends from this wonderful community of ¨Gems¨ It is a great pleasure to be here again with you with another video that we make with my wife Gabriela; Those who follow my Vlog, know the publication plan we have, every day we present a video

En esta ocasión les dimos descanso a mi nieta, y aprovechamos para sumarnos a este increíble desafío de nuestra amiga @mayvil. Me encanta visitar nuestra comunidad, y ver los desafíos que presentan; He mencionado anteriormente, en nuestra comunidad es muy común encontrar variados tag en donde participar

This time we gave my granddaughter a break, and took the opportunity to join in this incredible challenge from our friend @mayvil. I love visiting our community, and seeing the challenges they present; I have mentioned previously, in our community it is very common to find various tags where to participate

Como les decía, mientras visita nuestra comunidad me cruce con el post de una amiga que participaba de una consigna, y para ser honesto, me encantaron las preguntas, y no pude evitar unirme; Lo bueno de este desafío es que son preguntas variadas sin un tema específico

As I was saying, while visiting our community I came across a post from a friend who was participating in a slogan, and to be honest, I loved the questions, and I couldn't help joining; The good thing about this challenge is that they are varied questions without a specific topic

Como pueden leer las preguntas son muy interesantes de responder; Si deseas conocer mis respuesta debes ver el video. Quiero finalizar agradeciendo a todos los de esta hermosa comunidad ¨Gems¨ por el enorme apoyo que me brindan

Imagen Álbum Familiar-Creado en PowerPoint

As you can read the questions are very interesting to answer; If you want to know my answer you must see the video. I want to finish by thanking everyone in this beautiful community ¨Gems¨ for the enormous support they give me


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Things around me , personal events and experiences motivates me to write..

Thank you very much for sharing what motivates you
I wish you a beautiful afternoonHello dear friend @maoyagi good afternoon

You are welcome , have a great day too

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I love nature and I found different thoughts on hive platform, enjoying different kind of contents.

I appreciate that you shared the things that motivates you
Enjoy a beautiful afternoonHow are you dear friend @mdnishad good afternoon