2022 Goals in our agricultural activity (live and prosper)

in GEMS3 years ago

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Como están mis amigos de ¨Gems¨. Feliz de poder estar aquí compartiendo los objetivos que nos hemos propuesto para este año 2022 en nuestras actividades agrícolas; Las planificaciones son muy necesaria en todos los ámbitos de la vida para alcanzar las metas

How are my friends from ¨Gems¨. Happy to be here sharing the objectives that we have proposed for this year 2022 in our agricultural activities; Planning is very necessary in all areas of life to achieve goals

Debo admitir que la temporada de siembra del año que pasamos ha sido muy buena, una de las mejores de los últimos tiempos; Hemos aprendido mucho, y en función a ellos vamos a establecer los objetivos para este año

I must admit that the planting season of the past year has been very good, one of the best in recent times; We have learned a lot, and based on them we will establish the objectives for this year

El conocimiento y la experiencia son factores importantes que harán el éxito de todo lo que te propongas; Con esto en mente, se puede hacer cualquier planificación y casi seguro que darán buenos resultados; El plan de este año estará básicamente en el clima y el terreno

Knowledge and experience are important factors that will make everything you propose a success; With this in mind, any planning can be done and will almost certainly pay off; This year's plan will be basically on the climate and the terrain

Les había comentado que en nuestra ciudad predomina las altas ¨temperaturas¨, pensando en esto es que establecimos los objetivos. En el sector de las hortalizas quiero fortalecer la media sombra; Es decir, quiero duplicar la protección en el lugar, esto ayudara a reducir el calor en esa área; Otra cosas que nos establecimos como plan es mejorar el sistema de riego, el agua es fundamental para el crecimiento de las plantas

I had commented that in our city high ¨temperatures¨ predominate, thinking about this is that we established the objectives. In the vegetable sector I want to strengthen the half shade; That is, I want to double the protection in place, this will help reduce the heat in that area; Another thing that we established as a plan is to improve the irrigation system, water is essential for the growth of plants

Otro factor determinante son los nutrientes del suelo; Este año voy adquirir tierra compostada, ¨humus¨ de ¨lombriz¨ sólidos y líquidos para el mejoramiento del suelo; Es decir, hacer una buena nutrición del suelo. Para conocer más sobre nuestros objetivos en el huerto, debes ver el video

Another determining factor is the nutrients in the soil; This year I am going to acquire composted soil, solid and liquid earthworm humus for the improvement of the soil; That is, make good soil nutrition. To learn more about our objectives in the orchard, you must watch the video


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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I want to double the protection in place, this will help reduce the heat in that area

There are some heat tolerant vegetables. For example sweet banana, pimento, okra and cantaloupe. Some of them even need it. Maybe it is a good idea to try to grow them in the areas, which are not protected from the heat.

Happy New Year.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

That is a good plan; I have some vegetables that require less water; The idea this year is to try to get leafy vegetables that are delicious.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and the great support you give me.
I wish you a beautiful nighthow are you dear friend @xplosive good afternoon

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Prayers for another great grow season, a few months out and you’re reminding me I should also be getting my head into gear to have a good year next year as well!

I really appreciate the prayers and your beautiful words, you are very kind
Successes in your soil preparation for the next planting
Have a nice afternoonHello dear friend @biffybirdcam good afternoon

Hope your growing goes well my friend have the best year ahead

Happy 2022 :) @jlufer

have a beautiful nightyou are very kind dear friend @benthomaswwd I appreciate very much the good wishes

Thank you 😎You are welcome @jlufer