South Africa has many faces with positive and negative everywhere. Live and learn, make inquiries before going to local animal sanctuaries, too many are run using money!
There are places to see where animals are nursed back to good health and released, most are supported by animal lovers who donate to keep them going.
Cities and high walls I escaped from Jo'burg 40 years ago when this started, people think high wall make them secure, sadly one cannot see into properties where anything could be happening.
'Townships' have become disgraceful, not a way for anyone to live, mass arrival of people from North of our borders swelled numbers too quickly! Over and above having children outside of marriage and grandparents being burdened, or children raising younger siblings living in squalor!
If ever you plan to enjoy the freedom of the country try get outside of cities, if you wish to support animal conservation CROW they are on FB as well.
Enjoyed reading an outsiders view, it is quite an experience.