Conspiracies Are Not What They Seem - The Vibrational View

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Conspiracy theories are narratives built around a single idea. This idea, like a virus, infects everything around it and it spreads. The narrative sustains itself because the human being is made for telling stories.

And believing in them.

In most conspiracy theories, the villains are smarter, more capable than us mere mortals and they are almost omnipotent. The head of the snake sees all, knows all and is able to control everything.

Hollywood successfully plays on this to portray criminal conspiracies to look something like this:

Conspiracy theories, like all other narratives, are not merely statements of fact, but a weaving of insinuations, assumption of motivations and a listing of circumstantial evidence combined with correlations interpreted as causality.

Does this mean that those narratives are false?

By no means.

Common sense and Occam’s Razor tell me that controlled demolitions brought down those three towers, but I don’t have the facts. All I have is information. And that information can be spun into a thousand different tales.

The Israelis did it. No, the Saudis did it. No, the Americans and Pakistan did it. No, they were all in it together. Planes, no planes. Nuclear weapons. Blah, blah, blah

I believe that 9/11 was an inside job. I believe that a few men could have planned and pulled off such a thing, and that thousands of regular Joes and Janes worked their asses off covering up that nasty shit without ever even being told to do so by anyone involved.

I believe I will never know the truth about the actual perpetrators, the whole story. But I know what 9/11 was.

And, ladies and gentlemen, I give you common sense. Occam’s razor. Cui bono.

Oklahoma ‘95, London 7/7, the Iraq war...there’s an endless list of this despicableness.

Why Conspiracies Are Not What They Seem

Conspiracies tell us a lot about our own view of the world and how we view our place in it. We endow these strange characters, if we identify them, with almost godlike abilities, foresight, hindsight and all other kinds of sight. They have planned for every contingency, anticipated every obstacle and are too powerful to be stopped.

Our narratives endow the information with meaning. Our meaning.

A person sees a music video with one eye signs and masonic symbols, so the Illuminati must have wanted us to see it. What if I told you that those symbols merely suggest that music director's participation in a toxic collective consciousness? He is psychologically damaged, and that is the imagery he is drawn to.

It may be an airport painted with strange apocalyptic images, with one world connotations. It’s the Illuminati, of course. What if I told you that government naturally attracts creative types that are more Marina Abramovic than they are Édouard Manet? And imagine, those people read books and are inspired by people with similar interests and views.

A man “previously known to the intelligence agencies” blows himself up and kills dozens of people right before an important election. It must have been the ruling party that ordered it, right? What if I told you that the intelligence agency juggles many different terrorists as assets and this one was a casualty because a greedy real estate developer paid off a friend he has in the secret service (this guy blabbed over one too many drinks that he had actual terrorists working for him), because he desperately needed the ruling party to stay in power? What if I told you that the government conducted an investigation and decided to cover it up because it would open up a devastating can of worms? A tiny conspiracy and a huge cover up. What if I told you that intelligence agencies attract people of low concern for truth, justice and other people's fucking lives? No conspiracy needed to create a shitstorm.

What if I told you that the state of the world, as it is today, is not a product of scheming and colluding, but of the collective consciousness of every single person in the world? What if I told you that the scheming and colluding that is going on is the effect and not the cause?

What if I told you that there are many thousands of people working, right now, to microchip you and your family, to vaccinate and track you, but none of those people attended secret conspiracy meetings with Soros or Gates, or any of their minions? What if I told you that many of them had incentives that complemented those of the Gates Foundation, but had no actual ties or links of any kind to them? What if I told you that the universe, in all its infinite responsiveness to our thought, is merely organizing things in such a way as to give us what we are asking for? We may not want it, but we are asking for it.

What if I told you that most of the victories of the globalists, in their quest for one world government, were accomplished without their knowledge or physical involvement? What if I told you that their strength lies in the power of their beliefs, the power of their desires and the power of their vision? What if I told you that the world was accommodating their vision and that they were experiencing a string of awesome fucking luck because they believe they are important?

Are there conspiracies?


But what if I told you that they too are merely effects of consciousness? What if I told you that a conspiracy is a tool of the idea, and not the idea the tool of the conspiracy?

What if I told you that all those things you find to validate your conspiracy theory of choice ARE connected, but not by collusion or secret plans in smoke-filled rooms? What if I told you that they were connected in thought, in spirit, in vibration?

And what if I told you that conspiracies are not there to be opposed, but ignored? What if I told you that liberty doesn’t need an unraveling of the conspiracy, but a building of a vision?

Who gives a fuck if it was the mafia, or the CIA, or the communists, or the anti-communists, or the 2017 edition - the Russians? JFK is dead and he ain’t coming back. And besides, most of the conspiracy theories are written by the CIA. Let that one sink in!

What if I told you that the world is governed by greater forces than the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds? What if I told you that you could make every conspiracy that threatens your well being impotent and toothless, IF YOU HAVE A VISION THAT IS STRONGER THAN IT?

What if I told you that once you accept your own power and start working on your vision, you will see the greatest conspiracy of all unfold?

Well, here I am, telling you…:)

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Holy fuck, this is golden, bro.


Haha, I managed to find the exact meme representation of how I feel about your comment:-)

Thanks, I appreciate it!

Your welcome. 😇

"We cannot determine who did it until we determine what was even done and how it was done. Yet before noon on 9/11/01, many of us were told who had done it.That is, we were given a conspiracy theory, not the result of a scientific investigation.
So, what's wrong with that? Nothing, except that it qualifies as a falsehood, being unverifiable by evidence as to what exactly happened, or how, let alone by whom. Doing such a thing, going after who did it before establishing what happened and how it happened, is a way of ensuring that the truth will be hidden for a very long time, if not forever. It is called a cover-up. I will not be part of a cover-up. As Martin Luther King said, 'A time comes when silence is betrayal." That time came for me at 1:32 A.M. on November 3 2004. The next day, I told my mother that I had to look into what happened on 9/11/01 because my conscience left me no other choice. She replied, "If you do that, you won't have a career." I answered, "If I don't, no one will have a career." Something extraordinary had taken place, yet no one else was asking, 'Where did the towers go?" With a basic knowledge of engineering mechanics and physics, we can prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened for the reasons given in official accounts or in most alternative "9/11 truth" explanations.The physics of the controlled demolition models, the airplane fuel models - they do not work. That's what this book is about: Looking at the evidence to discover what did happen. Let us now turn to focus on the true nature of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers."

(source: Where Did the Towers Go? - Dr. Judy Wood)

"If you listen to the evidence carefully enough, it will speak to you and tell you exactly what happened. If you don’t know what happened, keep listening to the evidence until you do. The evidence always tells the truth.
The key is not to allow yourself to be distracted away from seeing what the evidence is telling you."

"Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic."


She is one smart cookie. The first time I watched one of her videos, my head was spinning real bad. Also, most of the 9/11 truth videos kept showing the same scenes over and over again - it was in one of hers that I saw for the first time how the surrounding streets and buildings actually looked in the days following the collapse of the towers.

I wonder why you keep using the term collapsed? Does that mean you haven't looked at and understood the evidence?

The twin towers did not slam to the ground.
If they had slammed to the ground:

  1. There would be over 1,250,000 tons of debris piled on the ground;
  2. Manhattan would have been flooded;
  3. The seismic recordings would have reflected two 500,000-ton buildings and one 230,000-ton building slamming to the ground.
    None of the three facts happened.

I strongly suggest you to deep understand WHAT exactly happened at the WTC on 9/11
My preferred evidence exposition is, in addition to the WDTTG book, the following video:

I hope you can notice many evidences that lead to exclude a lot of false theories that do not coincide with the evidences of the happened events.

A huge hug! 🤗

I use that term mostly out of habit, but also because, even though the things Dr. Judy presents are compelling (maybe even the most compelling), I still don't know for certain what happened. Theories are theories, and if spending a decade and a half obsessed with 9/11 has taught me anything, it is that I don't really care anymore what the specifics of it are and I refuse to go down that rabbit hole anymore.

I have great respect for her and others like her who are investigating and trying to uncover the truth, and I really hope one day we can get closer to that truth, but I personally don't care anymore.

My focus is on better understanding myself, and how I can positively contribute to the world. I don't want 9/11 to become like the JFK assassination is for some folks - half a century has gone by and some are still trying desperately to figure it out.

A huge hug right back at ya! 🤗

Your decision to focus on a better understanding of yourself and how you can contribute positively to the world is fully acceptable and I am also trying to focus on that goal: congratulations!
!tip and have a great day/night! 🙏

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