Mi presentacón / My presentation / Introducing myself.

in GEMS4 years ago


Hello, dear readers of the #hive community ! I'm @johadejesus03 and this is my personal introduction. I am very eager to share with you a very productive, recreational and reflective literature, for all those who love stories, poems, and other literary texts that have as their main audience children, but that, behind their funny and creative lines, there is a deeper message that adults could grasp more easily than children. Thanks @semillasdeamor I have the valuable opportunity to #introducemyself to you.

Un poco sobre mí

Soy Johana Lisboa, nací y vivo en la ciudad de Cumaná, Venezuela. Actualmente tengo 31 años de edad y soy docente de profesión, egresada de la Universidad de Oriente, núcleo de Sucre. Soy de fe protestante desde mi niñez (y ahora, en mi adultez, esa fe se ha repotenciado y evolucionado), y desde pequeña estoy apasionada con la lectura (aunque, ahora que soy mamá de un pequeño de 2 años, esa pasión ha tenido que ser redimensionada porque ese niño quiere atención solo para él).
I am Johana Lisboa, I was born and live in the city of Cumaná, Venezuela. I am currently 31 years old and I am a teacher by profession, graduated from the Universidad de Oriente, Sucre. I am of protestant faith since my childhood (and now, in my adulthood, that faith has been strengthened and evolved), and since I was a child I have been passionate about reading (although, now that I am a mother of a 2 year old child, that passion has had to be resized because that child wants attention only for him).

Mi hijo Leonel siguiendo mis pasos

Hago un alto aquí para mencionar también que, desde marzo de 2018, estoy felizmente casada con Jesús Lugo. Él y yo somos una muestra de que personas tan diferentes pueden amarse y apoyarse mutuamente, siempre que Dios sea el núcleo y sostén de la relación.
I pause here to also mention that since March 2018 I have been happily married to Jesus Lugo. He and I are a sample that such different people can love and support each other, as long as God is the core and sustainer of the relationship.

Mi esposo y yo en nuestra boda

Él muy callado, yo muy conversadora. Él disfruta de las películas de fantasía y superhéroes, yo de las de corte psicológico o comedias románticas. Él muy ordenado con sus pertenencias, yo soy desordenada desde el punto de vista de su orden (porque considero que sí le doy el orden que me gusta a mis cosas, pero él no cree sea “orden”).

He is very quiet, I am very talkative. He enjoys fantasy and superhero movies, I enjoy psychological movies or romantic comedies. He is very tidy with his belongings, I am messy from the point of view of his tidiness (because I consider that I do give the order I like to my things, but he doesn't think it is "order").

Todas nuestras peculiaridades se ven ínfimas con relación al amor y al respeto que nos tenemos mutuamente. Puedo decir con propiedad que al lado de éñ me siento completa, me siento en paz y feliz, en pocas palabras, él es mi persona favorita.

All of our peculiarities are tiny in relation to the love and respect we have for each other. I can properly say that next to him I feel complete, I feel at peace and happy, in short, he is my favorite person.

En estos momentos se podrían estar preguntando: “Si estos dos son tan diferentes, ¿cómo es que se enamoraron? ¿Cómo es que decidieron comenzar un matrimonio si no hay coincidencias en sus personalidades? Déjeme decirles, señoras y señores, que sí hay coincidencias FUNDAMENTALES y básicas para que diéramos ese paso de fe en casarnos.

Right now you might be asking yourself: "If these two are so different, how come they fell in love? How come they decided to start a marriage if there are no coincidences in their personalities? Let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, there are FUNDAMENTAL and basic coincidences for us to take that step of faith in getting married.

Las coincidencias Fundamentales, de acuerdo a lo que hemos aprendido en nuestra experiencia y en Dios, son las siguientes: Los Valores y Los sueños de vida. Los valores, tienen que ver con la fe (ambos creemos en Dios y le servimos por amor), la fidelidad (nuestra convicción de ser fieles y leales a nuestro amor y familia que hemos construido), la familia (porque ambos valoramos la familia de acuerdo al diseño establecido por Dios; es decir, vivir juntos y amarnos dentro de un matrimonio legal y sagrado, y tener prole), entre otros valores (no me quiero extender en este tema, ya que no me considero consejera matrimonial). En cuanto a los sueños de vida, estos obviamente están muy ligados a los valores que antes mencioné (es más, dichos sueños solo se pueden realizar practicando valores derivados de los primeros): Tener una casa propia, un negocio independiente, el número de hijos, el desarrollo de nuestras capacidades laborales y, sin ser menos importante, nuestro llamado como discípulos de Cristo, entre otros.

The Fundamental coincidences, according to what we have learned in our experience and in God, are the following: The Values and The dreams of life. The values have to do with faith (we both believe in God and serve Him out of love), fidelity (our conviction to be faithful and loyal to our love and family that we have built), family (because we both value the family according to the design established by God; that is, to live together and love each other within a legal and sacred marriage, and have offspring), among other values (I do not want to expand on this topic, since I do not consider myself a marriage counselor). As for life dreams, these are obviously closely linked to the values I mentioned before (moreover, such dreams can only be realized by practicing values derived from the former): Having a house of our own, an independent business, the number of children, the development of our work skills and, not least, our calling as disciples of Christ, among others.

En todas esas premisas fundamentales hubo coincidencias entre ambos, aunado a la atracción entre los dos, y a la admiración que teníamos el uno del otro, dio como resultado una familia feliz y llena de amor. Aún es que nos falta camino por recorrer, pero nos sentimos entusiasmados de que ese camino lo recorramos juntos. Que Dios siga haciendo su obra en nosotros, amén.

In all these fundamental premises there were coincidences between both of us, combined with the attraction between us, and the admiration we had for each other, resulted in a happy family full of love. We still have a long way to go, but we are excited that we are traveling that road together. May God continue to work in us, amen.


Retomando el tema de la lectura… Recuerdo que, de pequeña, cuando en el colegio sonaba el timbre del recreo, yo salía corriendo directo a la biblioteca, mi lugar favorito, donde podía comerme los cuentos y enciclopedias que quisiera y estar solos, mi libroy yo. A veces, me traía libros prestados a la casa para leer, y creo que era una de las pocas niñas que hacían eso en el colegio, ya que la biblioteca siempre estaba casi vacía cuando la visitaba. La Biblia la leí varias veces completa de “cabo a rabo” en mi infancia, me devoraba por completo las enciclopedias de ciencias (¡Amo las ciencias naturales!), cualquier cosa que tuviera letras y que encontraba por ahí lo leía, aunque a veces no entendía mucho sobre lo que decía.

Going back to the subject of reading... I remember that, when I was a little girl, when the school bell rang at recess, I would run straight to the library, my favorite place, where I could eat all the stories and encyclopedias I wanted and be alone, my book and I. Sometimes, I would bring borrowed books home to read, and I think I was one of the few girls who did that at school, since I was always almost empty when I visited the library. Sometimes, I would bring borrowed books home to read, and I think I was one of the few girls who did that at school, since the library was always almost empty when I visited. I read the Bible several times from "cover to cover" in my childhood, I devoured science encyclopedias (I love natural sciences!), anything with letters that I found around I read, even though sometimes I didn't understand much of what it said.

Imagen de El Superzorro (Roald Dahl), mi novela infantil favorita desde pequeña
Continué cultivando mis hábitos lectores en mi juventud, sobre todo cuando me alisté en las filas del MUEVE (Movimiento Universitario Evangélico Venezolano), en donde, como parte de nuestra formación teológica y filosófica, nos exigían que leyéramos libros cristianos profundos y otros textos de la literatura universal, a fin de conocer el pensamiento humano. Ser universitaria y formar parte del MUEVE fue una experiencia única y especial, porque allí aprendía a amar a la gente por como son, y a mirarlos como los mira Cristo; además de cultivar en mi la práctica de la “integralidad” como cristiana, lo cual significa que la profesión que cada uno escoja no es, ni deber ser, separada de tu misión como discípulo de Jesús.

I continued to cultivate my reading habits in my youth, especially when I joined the ranks of MUEVE (Venezuelan Evangelical University Movement), where, as part of our theological and philosophical formation, we were required to read profound Christian books and other texts of universal literature, in order to learn about human thought. Being a university student and being part of MUEVE was a unique and special experience, because there I learned to love people for the way they are, and to look at them as Christ looks at them; besides cultivating in me the practice of "integrality" as a Christian, which means that the profession that each one chooses is not, nor should be, separated from your mission as a disciple of Jesus.

Aquí estoy junto a compañeros del MUEVE en lo que era nuestro cubículo universitario

Como muestra un botón, yo que soy docente y literata de corazón, en este blog fusionaré mi profesión, mi pasión y mi propósito como sierva de Dios llevando a la reflexión cada texto literario que presentaré para mejorar nuestra espiritualidad y, también, nuestra cotidianidad.

As an example, I am a teacher and a literary woman at heart. In this blog I will merge my profession, my passion and my purpose as a servant of God, bringing to reflection each literary text that I will present to improve our spirituality and also our daily life.

En una ocasión, cuando me encontraba cursando la materia de “Literatura Infantil” de la carrera de licenciatura en Educación Integral, mi amor por este tipo de literatura regresó re potenciado. Aprendí a diferenciar entre un buen cuento de uno no tan bueno, a no dejarme llevar solo por la portada, los muchos colores o la brillantina (escarcha, como se decía en mi época) que pueda tener, sino por el contenido de éste y, en especial, por su final. Comencé a coleccionar cuentos, a leer poemas y novelas infantiles, y cada vez que leía algo muy bueno, mi corazón se llenaba de alegría, y hasta me llevaba a la adoración a Dios (parece loco, pero es cierto).

On one occasion, when I was taking "Children's Literature" as part of my Bachelor's Degree in Integral Education, my love for this type of literature came back in full force. I learned to differentiate between a good story and a not so good one, to not let myself be carried away only by the cover, the many colors or the glitter (frosting, as they used to say in my time) that it may have, but by its content and, especially, by its ending. I started collecting stories, reading poems and children's novels, and every time I read something really good, my heart was filled with joy, and it even led me to worship God (it sounds crazy, but it's true).

Me di cuenta que mucha de esa literatura llevaba dentro un mensaje más profundo, y que ahora como adulta podía captarlo mejor; y, generalmente, esos mensajes me hacían reflexionar sobre mi vida espiritual, la familia, el trabajo, las metas en la vida, las relaciones humanas, las injusticias, y tantos otros temas que hoy en día deberíamos tomarnos unos minutos para meditar en ellos, en medio de este mundo tan convulsionado y lleno de presiones y antivalores.

I realized that much of that literature had a deeper message within it, and that now as an adult I could grasp it better; and, generally, those messages made me reflect on my spiritual life, family, work, goals in life, human relationships, injustices, and so many other topics that today we should take a few minutes to meditate on, in the midst of this world so convulsed and full of pressures and anti-values.

Por eso, decidí empezar a compartir reseñas y reflexiones sobre textos de literatura “infantil” (coloco la palabra infantil entre comillas porque sirven no solamente para recrear a los niños, sino a todo aquel que con palabras tan coloridas y especialmente dulces lleve a una comprensión que trascienda el momento y la vida del lector) para que juntos podamos sentir todas esas sensaciones sublimes durante la lectura y aprender de ella significativamente. (Quién Dijo Que Solo Son Para Niños)

Therefore, I decided to start sharing reviews and reflections on "children's" literature texts (I put the word "children's" in quotation marks because they serve not only to recreate children, but anyone who with such colorful and especially sweet words leads to an understanding that transcends the moment and the reader's life) so that together we can feel all those sublime sensations during reading and learn from it meaningfully.

Aunado a esto, mi otra pasión es la música. Desde niña he practicado el canto, principalmente en honra a Dios, y a los doce años comencé a cantar en el ministerio de alabanza de la iglesia donde me congregaba. Luego de allí, seguí estudiando canto popular, y llegué a participar en varias ocasiones en coros de canto lírico. Tengo la costumbre de que, de acuerdo a la situación, en mi mente siempre suenan letras melódicas relacionadas con el momento. Por eso, habrá ocasiones en que estaré compartiendo con ustedes alguna que otra canción que me haya inspirado o tocado, cualquiera que sea su autor, porque mientras su letra sea resaltante para mi vida, es probable que pueda serlo para la de ustedes también.

In addition to this, my other passion is music. Since I was a child I have practiced singing, mainly in honor of God, and at the age of twelve I began to sing in the worship ministry of the church where I congregated. After that, I continued studying popular singing, and I even participated in several occasions in choirs of lyrical singing. I have the habit that, according to the situation, melodic lyrics related to the moment always sound in my mind. Therefore, there will be times when I will be sharing with you some song that has inspired me or touched me, whatever its author, because as long as its lyrics are relevant to my life, it is likely that they can be relevant to yours as well.

Es mi deseo que cada publicación que haga, por sencilla que sea, les sirva a ustedes como instrumento fortalecedor, sanador y enriquecedor de sus vidas. ¡Hasta la vista, lectores!

It is my wish that every publication I make, no matter how simple, will serve you as a strengthening, healing and enriching instrument in your lives. So long, readers!

¡Hola, apreciados lectores de la comunidad de #hive! Soy @johadejesus03 y esta es mi presentación personal. Estoy muy deseosa de compartir con ustedes una muy productiva, recreativa y reflexiva literatura, para todos aquellos que aman los cuentos, poesías, y otros textos literarios que tienen como principal público el infantil, pero que, detrás de sus graciosas y creativas líneas, hay un mensaje más profundo que los adultos podrían captar más fácilmente que los niños. Gracias a @semillasdeamor tengo la valiosa oportunidad de presentarme a ustedes.

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Welcome and thanks to

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Blogging is what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn hive crypto, but we need a higher price, and its not the most important. I have been here for a while and love it!
But be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! They are yours, and fraude is everywhere so also here you can run into that so be warned. https://hive.blog/@semillasdeamor I saw your #introduceyourself blog and its nice to meet you.

To post to Hive i use Peakd and Ecency, both great helps.

I wish you good luck blogging and I Will See you around🍀
Your value and input is appreciated and if you have questions let me know.

Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

Theterminal discord invite We (@jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and All answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment. https://discord.gg/pxBj9b

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Tip! https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@crosheille/so-whats-the-criteria-for-a-quality-post-how-curators-make-their-selections


Welcome and thanks to

For onboardING and helping out.

Blogging is what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn hive crypto, but we need a higher price, and its not the most important. I have been here for a while and love it!
But be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! They are yours, and fraude is everywhere so also here you can run into that so be warned. https://hive.blog/@semillasdeamor I saw your #introduceyourself blog and its nice to meet you.

To post to Hive i use Peakd and Ecency, both great helps.

I wish you good luck blogging and I Will See you around🍀
Your value and input is appreciated and if you have questions let me know.

Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

Theterminal discord invite We (@jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and All answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment. https://discord.gg/pxBj9b

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Tip! https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@crosheille/so-whats-the-criteria-for-a-quality-post-how-curators-make-their-selections
