Yesterday I visited my parents and brought them some necessary things that they could not get in any shop nearby, unless they had driven to Lienz, which is in the quarantine area, which of course would not have been a good idea. |
Ich habe gestern meine Eltern besucht und ihnen ein paar notwendige Sachen gebracht, die sie in keinem Geschäft in der Nähe bekommen konnten, außer sie wären nach Lienz in das Quarantänegebiet gefahren, was natürlich keine gute Idee gewesen wäre. |
Oberdrauburg . Carinthia
COVID-19 Measures - Day #12

That way, after almost two weeks after the measures began, I finally had a good reason to drive the 130 kilometers to them to Oberdrauburg, because even though they said on the phone that they had everything and everything was fine, I wanted to personally convince myself that they are really well. | Auf diese Art habe ich nun nach fast zwei Wochen nach Beginn der Maßnahmen endlich einen guten Grund gehabt, die 130 Kilometer zu ihnen nach Oberdrauburg zu fahren, denn obwohl sie am Telefon gesagt hatten, dass sie alles haben und alles in Ordnung ist, wollte ich mich persönlich vergewissern, dass es ihnen wirklich gut geht. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
There were quite a lot of trucks, but almost no private vehicle on the highway - what a weird feeling. | Es war ziemlich viel LKW Güterverkehr, aber fast kein Privatfahrzeug auf der Autobahn zu sehen - komisches Gefühl. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
It had snowed the night before, not much, but the landscape was still white and I was actually looking forward to a nice walk in the forest. | Die Nacht zuvor hatte es geschneit, nicht viel, aber trotzdem war die Landschaft weiß und ich hatte mich eigentlich auf einen schönen Waldspaziergang gefreut. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
No, I didn't go into my parents' house and I didn't get closer than two meters to my parents. My parents are doing really well: my mother is trying to finally quit smoking due to the isolation and my father is currently making firewood for the next 10 years - by the way, last year they have installed an oil central heating in the house ;) When I got back in the car, it started to snow again. | Nein, ich bin nicht in mein Elternhaus gegangen und ich bin meinen Eltern nicht näher als zwei Meter gekommen. Meinen Eltern geht es wirklich gut: Meine Mutter versucht, sich durch die Isolation endlich das Rauchen abzugewöhnen und mein Vater macht gerade Feuerholz für die nächsten 10 Jahre - seit vorigem Jahr haben sie übrigens eine Öl-Zentralheizung im Haus ;) Als ich wieder ins Auto gestiegen bin, hat es leicht zu schneien begonnen. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
My home village of Oberdrauburg is about 3 kilometers from the border with East Tyrol (Tyrol), which is entirely under quarantine. My parents' house is even about two kilometers closer to the border. From a parking lot on the road south over the Gailberg Saddle (Google Maps link in the information area below) I was able to photograph the snowy place through the trees. | Mein Heimatort Oberdrauburg liegt etwa 3 Kilometer vor der Grenze zu Osttirol (Bundesland Tirol), welches zur Gänze unter Quarantäne steht. Mein Elternhaus steht noch um etwa zwei Kilometer näher an der Grenze. Von einem Parkplatz an der Straße nach Süden über den Gailbergsattel (Google Maps Link im Infobereich unten) konnte ich den winterlich verschneiten Ort durch die Bäume fotografieren. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
Shortly after the Gailberg Saddle there is a small swamp area with a few interesting trees right next to the road. Unfortunately, better photo positions were not possible due to the very wet ground. | Kurz nach dem Gailbergsattel befindet sich gleich neben der Straße ein kleines Sumpfgebiet mit ein paar interessanten Bäumen. Bessere Fotopositionen waren wegen des sehr nassen Untergrundes leider nicht möglich. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
Be Kind to Each Other
Be kind to each other —
The night's coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone —
Then 'midst our dejection
How sweet to have earned
The blest recollection
Of kindness — returned! —
When day has departed,
And Memory keeps
Her watch, broken hearted,
Where all she loved sleeps! —
Let falsehood assail not,
Nor envy disprove, —
Let trifles prevail not
Against those you love —
Nor change with tomorrow
Should fortune take wing;
But the deeper the sorrow
The closer still cling —
Oh, be kind to each other! —
The night's coming on,
When friend and when brother
Perchance may be gone!
by Charles Swain
Because I was hoping that there was more snow on the mountain, I drove from the Gailtal over the Windische Höhe Pass back into the Drau Valley, which unfortunately was not the case, as you can see in these photos. | Weil ich gehofft hatte, dass am Berg mehr Schnee liegt, bin ich dann vom Gailtal über die Windische Höhe wieder in das Drautal gefahren, was jedoch leider nicht der Fall gewesen ist, wie man auf diesen Fotos sehen kann. |

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM

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Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
So, that was all for today. I know almost everyone is currently writing about the Corona Virus and that is the reason why I will try to avoid these words from my next post on, unless it is a really important information. | So, das war alles für heute. Ich weiß, fast jeder schreibt zur Zeit über den Corona Virus und aus diesem Grund werde ich mich bemühen, diese Worte ab meinem nächsten Post zu vermeiden, sofern es sich nicht um wirklich wichtige Informationen handelt. |
Stay at home, take care and stay healthy!
Bleibt zu Hause, seid vorsichtig und bleibt gesund!
Location / Standort: Oberdrauburg on Google Maps |
Oberdrauburg - Wikipedia (En) Gailberg Saddle - Wikipedia (En) Windische Höhe Pass - Wikipedia (En) | Oberdrauburg - Wikipedia (De) Gailbergsattel - Wikipedia (De) Windische Höhe - Wikipedia (De) |
All photos were shot hand held with the Canon EOS R and the Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM lens. I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures. |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.
Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
#originalcontent #originalworks

[//]:# (!pinmapple 46.737917 lat 12.968847 long 20200326-Oberdrauburg d3scr)
It can never be to much firewood 😄 nice area you came from, and great pictures 👍
The funny thing is that he does not need it anymore, at least as long as the oil tank is full, so in these times it might even be no bad idea ;)
Thank you very much for your nice comment Harald,
stay safe and healthy up there in the north 😊
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Sie müssen nicht über Quarantäne schreiben, aber es geht nicht davon weg. Gut gemacht für den Besuch deiner Eltern. Das Ernten von Brennholz ist eine gute Option für den Sportunterricht :-)
Schöne Landschaft. Wir scheinen seit einer Woche die Sonne, der Frühling hat begonnen. Aber ich denke, dass der Winter noch um die Ecke warten kann.
Pass auf dich auf, sei gesund!
Good morning @bambuka 😊
I think I'd better reply in English because I don't know what Google translates ;) lol
Thank you very much for your kind reply my friend.
Of course I will sometimes add a word or two of how we are and what's going on here, but I don't want to make whole posts about the crisis anymore.
Everybody experiences the same now and when I read some posts about conspiracy theories and such hoaxes I don't even want to read posts titled "Corona..." anymore.
We have had some really nice and warm spring days too, but it seems the winter has finaly found us and the weather forecast says it will snow today again - we'll see, because at the moment the sun is shining ;)
Take care of your family and of yourself to stay safe and healthy through these bad times.
Yes, you're right, the world is going crazy on this topic about the virus.
We have the sun shining for the second week. True, a little snow was promised for tomorrow, which means it will become colder. But spring has already taken over. Soon there will be many different colors for the photo :-)
On my walk today I could see more colors than a few days before, and even if it snows it will be like you say: spring has already taken over :)
Take care and have a great week ahead @bambuka 😊
I wonder when we will get the !BEER here, but in the meantime ... !invest_vote
They promised us snow yesterday ... but the sun was shining all day. True, the temperature at night dropped to -10C
It looks like a beer barrel did not arrive in the apiary. Check the rest :D
more !DERANGED with !MARLIANS for you.
It has become quite cold here too and in some part of our country it has even snowed a lot over night, but for the weekend they predict warm spring weather again :)
No, none of our tokens have arrived here yet - if the !BEER doesn't move here I'll move back to the Steem blockchain ... I'm only joking ;) lol
Have a great day, take care and stay healthy.
thank you my friend :)
It looks like all quarantined tokens :D
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
My Pleasure!
Quick Roadside Photos... / Schnelle Fotos Am Straßenrand...@johannpiber wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @bambuka! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @johannpiber!My Pleasure!
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Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
My Pleasure!
It looks like spring is really on its way to your area. We still have a few more weeks maybe even another month for ours to really start. We are beginning to see some of the ground under the trees, so that is always good to see.
Well, spring has already been here with the first flowers before this snow came, but it was not much of that white stuff and it all has already gone. Now the sun is shining and the spring is back ;)
I can imagine that you are longing for the spring after such a long and snowy winter.
Apart from the snow, I hope everything else is fine over there and you take care to stay healthy.
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Moin Johann,
hab mir echt schon Gedanken gemacht...
Jetzt hast auch noch Deinen Schnee bekommen. Hast Recht gehabt im Frühling kommt er nochmals.
Schöne Bilder :)
Liebe Grüße
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Guten Morgen Peter,
dankeschön :)
... momentan ist leider alles irgendwie lustlos - ich wäre gerne eine Weile durch den Wald spaziert - der Wasserfall hinter dem Haus hat auch sehr verlockend gerauscht, aber ich wollte nur noch nach Hause und wollte auch für diese Fotos fast nicht stehenbleiben.
Heute bin ich wieder bei der Arbeit - der Tag wird schnell vergehen, denn ich muss eine Woche Arbeit aufholen ;)
Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Tag 🙂
Hi Johann,
ich denke es wird sich alsbald entscheidend etwas ändern. Der April rückt näher und Corona wird sich wie ein Spuk, mehr ist es ja auch nicht, von selbst erledigen.
Jetzt hoffe ich auf die mindestens 3 Tage Ausfall des Internets, was zu einem weltweiten aufwachen führen wird.
Mach Dir also mal nicht zu viel Gedanken. Ändern können wir eh nichts. Wir müssen es nehmen wie es kommt.
Schönen Tag zu Dir.
Liebe Grüße
Du glaubst also immer noch nicht daran?
Dann würde ich dir raten, anstatt dich auf Seiten mit Verschwörungstheorien zu informieren, dir mal sachliche Infos und Videos von anerkannten Wissenschaftlern und Ärzten anzuschauen, und damit meine ich nicht solche wie den Herrn Wodarg.
Dass ich nichts daran ändern kann, weiß ich, aber ich kann versuchen, im Rahmen meines Berufes und auch privat zu helfen und mit meiner Familie zu überleben - Thema beendet.
Liebe Grüße 😊
Nein lieber Johann, ich glaube immer noch nicht daran.
Ich denke in wenigen Wochen werden wir sehen wer Recht hatte.
Aus Deinen Worten klingt Angst und die war schon immer ein sehr schlechter Berater. Ich bin sicher es wird Euch nichts passieren.
Anerkannt Wissenschaftler? Das sind menschen die erschaffen Wissen, wie der Name es so schön sagt. Doch wessen Wissen erschaffen sie?
Das für das sie bezahlt werden.
So funktioniert das in der zu Ende gehenden Welt.
Gleiches gilt auch für sehr viele Ärzte denen das Geld wichtiger ist als der Eid den sie geleistet haben.
In so fern sind mir die wahren Verschwörungstheoretiker manchmal am liebsten, denn sie werden meist für das was sie verbreiten nicht dafür bezahlt.
Ob sie immer richtig liegen sieht man meist erst sehr viel später.
Vielfach aber hat sich alles bewahrheitet.
Liebe Grüße
Angst? Nein, nicht um mich.
Mit "Thema beendet" meinte ich nicht, dass ich noch eine Antwort brauche, bei der ich schon vorher wusste, was drinsteht. Früher fand ich solche Dummheiten tatsächlich amüsant.
Ich wünsche, dass der Virus dich und die, die du liebst verschont, aber bitte verschone mich hinkünftig mit deiner Ignoranz.
Liebe Grüße 😊
Nun ja wenn Du mir einen Hinweis auf Ärzte gibst.
Hier habe ich einen...
Wie Du siehst es gibt sone und solche. Ignoranz ist also das falsche Wort.
Wie kann ich etwas ignorieren was auch mich betrifft. Ich bin ebenso gezwungen mitzuspielen wie auch alle Anderen.
Es ist allerdings ein Unterschied wie ich damit umgehe.
Liebe Grüße
The photos look lovely with the snow. Not as much here. We got what’s called ‘Sheila’s Brush’ big snowstorm the other night but now warmer weather in the future.
You’re a great son to make sure your parents were okay and had supplies.
Good morning Jo 😊
Here they say we will get more snow today and in the next days - we'll see. The snow from two days ago is long gone and the next white stuff won't stay any longer I think, because it's time for spring to come ;)
I'm just a son who cares like we all should do, not only in times like these.
My sister lives about 10 kilometers away from my parents, but she cannot go shopping and meet other people, because it would be too dangerous for her father in law who is living with them together. He has had a heart surgery and still isn't healthy at all.
My other sister lives in the quarantine zone Tyrol and my brother lives not much closer to my parents than I do, but he helps too.
Take care of your family and of yourself Jo.
Stay safe and healthy in these so very bad times.
Thanks for the good wishes Johann. I think of my parents often. They have been gone many years now but the memories are always there.
Take care and stay strong in these scary times.
Memories keep our loved ones alive, even if they are long gone.
Have a great Sunday Jo 😊
Quick Roadside Photos... / Schnelle Fotos Am Straßenrand...@johannpiber wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @redheadpei! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @johannpiber!Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Wow! If it looks this great in winter it must be fabulous in summer my friend.
A great thing to see your care for your parents.
I so wish everybody would do that.
Lovely post here!
This is my home, although have been living in our capital for about 35 years now ;)
Thank you very much for your kind words - take care, stay safe and healthy 😊
And a great home it is indeed my friend.
I also lived in the capitals for many years, but last years changed things and moved to a place with a small town similar to the place where I was born and it was the best thing I ever did. We are happy here out in the country.
Please also take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Well, my parent's house is about 3 kilometers to the left in an even smaller village with about 13 houses, and we plan to move back to there when I retire.
Take care and have a great weekend :)
A great idea my friend and it seems that you also have your retirement planned.
I am now 4 years away from 70 years old but I will never retire as my work keeps me young. It is an amazing story about how we found this place to live and I will tell it in a post one day.
You are certainly going to enjoy your retirement in that beautiful place, as nature is good for the soul.
Well, there are still quite a few years left before I can retire, and nobody knows what will be by then and if it still will be possible to retire so "young" ;)
But I am dreaming of it and I am planning, that's true, and I am really looking forward, because then I won't stop working, but I will do what I love to do and I'll have much more time to go ou tinto the nature and take my photos :)
That sounds like an interesting story which you have to tell about your home.
Have a great weekend my friend :)
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
I will certainly have a look.
Blessings!Thank you kindly #investinthefutur and @johannpiber
Beautiful to see and imagine being there :)
Thank you very much Ross, I appreciate your kind comment.
I love to be there, but in these times I need a good reason to drive so far.
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know every user has their own profile map?
And so does every post as well!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Thank you very much 😊
Thank you very much @pixresteemer 😊
You have done a good thing, now you will be calmer. Thanks for the beautiful photos. Good luck and good mood.
You too stay safe and healthy.Very kindly, thank you very much @yuriy4 😊
Beautiful snow. I know it can be inconvenient but when you get one big snowfall every 32 years { here in South Texas} you yearn for that pretty stuff !!
I can imagine that you like snow when you seldom see it - we didn't have a lot of snow in the past years neither, and mostly it snowed in March or even April when nobody needs it anymore ;)
Have a great weekend and take care to stay safe and healthy.
I am glad for you and your peace of mind that you were able to visit your parent seven without getting close to them
Stay Safe and Healthy
Thank you my friend - I am really feeling better now and am sure to visit them soon again - maybe when my mother says that the toilet paper is out ;) lol
... and next time I'll make a long walk in the woods.
You too stay safe and have a great weekend.
LOL at the toilet paper, I hope it doesnt come to that but who knows these days
I agree and also hope it doesn't come to that, but I have told my wife to keep the newspapers at home and don't throw them away, just in case we need some paper ;)
Have a good day my friend :)
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@uruguru denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @uruguru thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
Dankeschön - !BEER gibt es leider noch keines ;)
Very nice of you to go all the way to your parents’ house!
Strange winter views of a spring day!
Things are getting dicey.
Take care.
Yes, it was strange but beautiful and the snow is already gone and spring weather is back now :)
Thank you very much dear @kaminchan, take care of yourself and of your family - stay safe healthy.
Ooh, the snow ... I believe you enjoyed the ride (maybe more of a walk ...) and at least saw a little of yours....
Have a nice day and stay safe and healthy 😊
But yes, it was beautiful and I enjoyed my trip after a few days in isolation at home.Thank you so much @suzana72, the snow looks more on the photo than there actually was ;)
Take care and stay healthy - have a great week ahead 😊
Have a nice evening and great week 😊
Stay safe and healthy ☀️Thank you @johannpiber
!invest_voteThank you, you too have a great week @suzana72 😊
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
It's great that you visited your parents during these days. I wish your parents stay safe and healthy.
Oh! I love to see the landscape covering with snow. Really wonderful scenery! The snowballs on the ground in the 6th picture are beautiful. Besides, I also love the tree in the last two pictures. Very amazing! Great capture! ;)
p.s. May I ask you another question? As the search box doesn't work nowadays, is there any other way to find people? Please advise. ;))
Good morning @tangmo,
thank you so much for your nice comment on the photos and that you like them :)
I use PeakD -, which is like SteemPeak on the Steem blockchain, so I don't have that search problem ;)
Have a great day and week ... and take care :)
Good morning!
You are much welcome!
Many thanks for providing me the information. Unfortunately, I haven't used SteemPeak before and I think it's too hard for me to use PeakD via your link. (Um! I'm the kind of person who has low technology.) Besides, I normally use computer and not telephone when posting or commenting in Steemit or Hive.... That's my problem. Thanks so much once again for your prompt reply and kind attention. ;)
Have an excellent week and take care! ;))
I use the computer at 99% for everything and hate using the phone for anything else but talking and sometimes texting ;)
On PeakD you can log in with your Steem Userdata. I use PeakLock to log in there.
Here are some links:
Ah! I'm glad to know that you use the computer at 99% for everything and use the phone just for talking and sometimes texting. Me, too! ;)
It's very kind of you to provide me some more useful links. I'll check and study the details accordingly. Thanks a lot once again.... ;))
I hope these links are able to help you, because I haven't had a deeper look at them - when I began PeakD there was no turorial ;)
Many thanks once again.... ^_^