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RE: Miss Daisy and her Visitors | Macrophotography

in GEMS • 4 years ago

At first I thought it was dead, but then it moved - some insects like to sleep longer it seems 😉

I like daisies too, there are so many kinds of these beautiful little flowers, and all are called Daisy in English. In German we have different names for them, but Daisy is much easier 😉

Thank you very much for your kind comment, @ewkaw 😊

Cheers and !BEER


I think we call them all Daisy too in Polish (Stokrotka). Or it could be just me :)

Most of the very small ones are commonly called "Gänseblümchen" here and the others are named "Margerite". I have just googled Stokrotka and you seem to be right, because Google showed me many different kinds of these flowers 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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